Originally posted by mdedetrich
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Linux 6.13 Hits A "Tipping Point" With More Rust Drivers Expected Soon
Originally posted by anarki2 View PostIt must be very sad for you to be rooting for something to fail being the only motivation in your life.
See darkonix's post here. Amazingly he's actually sane and not arguing with facts like a rabid fanboy.
This forum is on another level arguing with facts and their wayland/rust hysteria. And most of what I post are facts get over it you damn shills.
Sucks to suck.Last edited by Weasel; 01 December 2024, 11:44 AM.
Originally posted by CommunityMember View PostThey are rooting for no nvidia GPU driver support in the kernel, and no Apple M-series GPU driver support in the kernel (in both cases written in rust by the current people doing the actual work).
Originally posted by mdedetrich View Post
Thats not what I am talking about and AMD also has Linux issues.
With AMD on Linux if I want the latest drivers I am forced to update to the latest Linux kernel version (which is not always the best idea for obvious reasons) where as with NVidia I am not.
No, you are not forced to update the kernel. Most of the driver is in user space (Mesa et al.). No, it is not obvious why updating your Linux kernel is not a great idea. Only if you have a Nvidia card will it be risky and troublesome.
Originally posted by Weasel View PostI compile my own kernels so they're already not available since I don't even have that rusted garbage (but I use the Nvidia proprietary driver though, so I don't care about nouveau). See? No difference to me if they exist or not as rust source code, because compiled they won't exist.
Did you hit your head recently, or what's your problem with Rust?
Originally posted by amity View Post
I've tried getting into it but the syntax is just godawful to me, and if I can't stand to look at it, I cannot code with it. As a C++ developer I am very much looking forward to Swift gaining popularity instead.
I swear, if Rust had proper monads, and not just the Optional/Result monad, it would be close to a perfect systems language. But hey, you can't have it all 😁
Originally posted by mdedetrich View Post
With AMD on Linux if I want the latest drivers I am forced to update to the latest Linux kernel version (which is not always the best idea for obvious reasons) where as with NVidia I am not.
* If you simply want a more modern version than your lts distro provides, you can also use the dkms version provided by AMD
* Upgrading the mesa driver is usually independent of upgrading the kernel driver
* The pre-packaged AMD driver has you covered her as well.
Originally posted by Veto View Post
That is vague crap. Intel, AMD and Nvidia also have Windows issues...
Originally posted by Veto View PostNo, you are not forced to update the kernel. Most of the driver is in user space (Mesa et al.).
Originally posted by Veto View PostNo, it is not obvious why updating your Linux kernel is not a great idea. Only if you have a Nvidia card will it be risky and troublesome.
Nvidia driver is actually far superior to AMD on Linux for this reason, I can have latest drivers regardless od what Linux version I am using (as long as it’s not ancient)
Originally posted by Developer12 View Post
Why the hell would you ever expect the latest drivers to work on anything except the latest kernel? What if they rely on a feature that was only very recently introduced?
It’s also possible to do both .i.e. have a driver that uses new functionality if its only in newer OS but still work on older OS. Windows has had this feature for over a
Linux stuck to what is literally 80s kernel design i.e. almost pure monolithicLast edited by mdedetrich; 02 December 2024, 06:23 AM.