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PostgreSQL 17 Released With AVX-512 Optimization & Up To 2x Better Write Throughput

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  • PostgreSQL 17 Released With AVX-512 Optimization & Up To 2x Better Write Throughput

    Phoronix: PostgreSQL 17 Released With AVX-512 Optimization & Up To 2x Better Write Throughput

    PostgreSQL 17 is out today as the newest annual feature release to this widely-used SQL database server. Notable with PostgreSQL 17 is having an AVX-512 optimized bit_count function along with several other heavy hitting performance optimizations...

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  • #2
    Unfortunately where I'm working last year they replaced Postgresql which has served the company for more than a decade (and it was doing just fine within the hardware constraints) with "aws aurora postgresql" which is performing worse when queries aren't hot jeopardising our upfront services cache optimisation


    • #3
      Originally posted by samuelec View Post
      Unfortunately where I'm working last year they replaced Postgresql which has served the company for more than a decade (and it was doing just fine within the hardware constraints) with "aws aurora postgresql" which is performing worse when queries aren't hot jeopardising our upfront services cache optimisation
      I have opened a ticket with AWS a few weeks ago precisely about this. I told them "SELECT * FROM <table>" takes more time than it takes on my local laptop. I was provided with advice as invaluable as "make sure to optimize your queries" and "activate X, Y, Z insights" (aka, give us more $$$). I guess they can afford that once we've locked ourselves in.


      • #4
        Congrats to the PostgreSQL team!
        If we were not dependent on pt-table-sync and there was an equivalent for PostgreSQL, we would migrate tomorrow.


        • #5
          I love the steady stream of improvements for the last PostgreSQL releases. Thanks to everybody involved.
          Hopefully, once the update hit my cloud instance, I see a decrease in required compute time and related costs.


          • #6
            From a bunch of comments on here, it looks like Postgres giveth and cloud hosting providers taketh away.


            • #7
              Yes, benchmarks will be awesome to see, especially if they compare pgsql 17 vs mysql and mariadb, and perhaps on FreeBSD, to the extent that pgsql still has much BSD affiliation.

              Thank you!


              • #8
                Great database but I think they should make it easier to use, lower the barrier to entry, and make more friendly and intuitive.

                Fix the inconsistent collection of CLI programs and unify them under one common tool just like other software such as apt, git, dotnet, etc. Things like cargo (from Rust) is such a friendly developer experience. Software like Deno gives the developer a much more pleasant experience than Node.js does.

                Example, take a look at the Deno cheat sheet.
                node file.js deno file.js
                ts-node file.ts deno file.ts
                nodemon deno run --watch
                node -e deno eval
                npm i / npm install deno install
                npm install -g deno install -g
                npm run deno task
                eslint deno lint
                prettier deno fmt
                tsc deno check ¹
                typedoc deno doc
                jest / ava / mocha / tap / etc deno test
                nexe / pkg deno compile
                npm explain deno info
                nvm / n / fnm deno upgrade
                tsserver deno lsp
                nyc / c8 / istanbul deno coverage
                benchmarks deno bench

                It is so easy to use and offers such a nice developer experience compared to Node.js, and the same problem is with PostgreSQL that it has a terrible and inconsistent CLI which gives a terrible developer experience.


                PostgreSQL have so many CLI tools instead of just one program, and look how they are inconsistently, some with the pg_ prefix, others not even with that.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by zachw View Post
                  Yes, benchmarks will be awesome to see, especially if they compare pgsql 17 vs mysql and mariadb, and perhaps on FreeBSD, to the extent that pgsql still has much BSD affiliation.

                  Thank you!
                  Yes, I would be curious to see some benchmarks also. Over the years I've mostly dealt with MySQL/MariaDB and haven't done much with PostgreSQL.


                  • #10
                    Very nice, Postgres is one of the few things I'm always looking forward to upgrading.

