Originally posted by Kjell
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GCC 14 vs. LLVM Clang 18 Compiler Performance On Fedora 40
Originally posted by Anux View PostExactly the places that you avoid looking because the results are an inconvenience for your strange argumentation. Kvazaar ugv266
How do you know that no one uses it? Are you working for the NSA?
How do I know no one uses it?- Every Phoronix user has shat on VVC and all other patented codecs non-stop. For you the only relevant codecs are VP8, VP9 and AV1.
- vvenc is both a ton faster (several times) and produces higher quality output, there's no point in using an all-around inferior tool for the job.
- It's dead, abandoned and unsupported.
Senseless statements, zero argumentation from you. Goodbye.Last edited by avis; 25 April 2024, 05:00 PM.
Originally posted by brad0 View Post
Easy enough to build on your own.
Code:wget -qO- https://apt.llvm.org/llvm.sh | bash -s - 19 all # or 'sudo bash' for non-root
Code:apt update && apt install -y wget lsb-release software-properties-common gnup
Originally posted by avis View Postugv266 is something I mentioned myself
and indeed nobody uses it
[*]Every Phoronix user has shat on VVC
For you the only relevant codecs are VP8, VP9 and AV1.
[*]vvenc is both a ton faster (several times) and produces higher quality output, there's no point in using an all-around inferior tool for the job.[*]It's dead, abandoned and unsupported.
Senseless statements, zero argumentation from you.damn, sometimes you are so funny
Why is SMHasher sha3-256 twice in the detailed results?
Results (note smhasher sha3-256 and farmhash128 repeated): https://openbenchmarking.org/result/2404242-NE-GCC14AMDR04&sgm=1&swl=1&sgm=1&swl=1&ppt=D&sgm=1&sw l=1&ppt=D&sgm=1&swl=1&ppt=D&sgm=1&swl=1&ppt=D
There seems to be a very wide spread between two same named results — do these use different parameters or different data? https://openbenchmarking.org/result/2404242-NE-GCC14AMDR04&sgm=1&swl=1&sgm=1&swl=1&ppt=D&sgm=1&sw l=1&ppt=D&sgm=1&swl=1&ppt=D&sgm=1&swl=1&ppt=D&sgm= 1&swl=1&ppt=D&oss=smhasher