Originally posted by AnAccount
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Google Supports Getting Rust Into The Linux Kernel
Originally posted by RahulSundaram View Post
This is entirely unlikely. The kernel userspace boundary makes GPL a non problem for Google especially now that they have treble in place. They only have a small fraction of the Linux kernel developers necessary to pull this off and many existing ones won't join a non GPL effort. Hiring an army of new engineers and have them understand all the nuances is not worth it when they could invest that into Fuchsia instead.
I'm more curious in the GPL to Compatible ratio. I think it would be weird if it was actually less than 50% GPL...Like a "Huh, that's odd and not what I expected" weird.
Originally posted by kpedersen View Post
C can't go away because it is the entire computing platform.
Rust stands a good chance of replacing C++ in the future. These concerns about Rust in the Linux kernel are actually very similar to the concerns of C++ in the kernel. As of yet this hasn't happened either. Obviously the Rust guys are a little bit more noisy and the language does offer a few extra benefits above C++ in terms of (enforced) safety that might just tip the scale.
Personally I don't have problem reading most code written in any language, it is not uncommon for me to help someone succesfully write a code in language I never touched myself, but everytime I see C++ I have vietnam flashbacks.
Originally posted by birdie View Post
Have you actually read what I wrote? You're disagreeing with me and then you're repeating exactly what I said: Linus has very valid concerns and once they are resolved, he's OK with Rust.
The worst part of c++ is its most powerful feature - meta programming, the api is just too awful, verbose and stiff. The language additions are rather inflexible, and they lack genericity and intuitiveness, and totally bloated the language size.
And yes, you could have perfectly usable c++ with a small subset of metaprogramming, you rarely need it all, but as one's ability to design code improve there is this urge to "design code" rather than to type the same old boilerplate over and over again like a mindless monkey.
IIRC template generation is also one of the main reasons for Linus to dislike c++, so I wonder how does rust do in the metaprogramming department.
Originally posted by AnAccount View Post
It was not meant as me disagreeing. You wrote that he didn't support it, so I just wanted to add a bit more details about his attitude towards it and the concerns that were raised.
Originally posted by danielmaciel View PostReminds me of this
I don't know anything programmatically about rust. But I know a dog humping a leg when I see it.
"We have a lot of work to do regarding `alloc` and slicing `core` for things that are not needed for the kernel (floating-point, etc.).
We haven't done it just yet because it is not a trivial amount of work and we wanted to have some overall sentiment from you and the community overall before tackling everything. But it is doable and there isn't any fundamental reason that prevents it (in fact, the language supports no-allocation code)."
Seems like there are a few non-trivials to work out before Linus shoots himself in the foot.