Originally posted by kraftman
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The point is, there are Mozilla developers that have switched from Linux just because they want DTrace. There are people here, saying that DTrace is not as good as people say, DTrace is just a polished version of Systemtap. I am telling them: "No, DTrace is far better. You are wrong on this. There are Linux developers that have switched to only get DTrace. How can that happen, if DTrace is just slightly better? Ergo, DTrace is not slightly better. It is VASTLY better."
And I posted links to Linux people switching to OpenSolaris/Solaris. The point is to show that DTrace is VASTLY better than anything else on the market. The point is not exactly how many Linux devs that have switched, that is not important. I just want to show that there ARE Linux devs switching, just because to get DTrace. That DTrace is superior to anything else, which is proven by several Linux devs switch just to get DTrace. Hence, you are wrong, DTrace is not just slightly more polished.
So the question is: Is DTrace far superior, or slightly more polished? That is what we are trying to discuss. Jesus Kraftman, did you miss that discussion, or are you just trying to play dumb? Do you have anything interesting to add to the DTrace superiority discussion? Or are you going to post the same old "Systemtap is a DTrace killer! Systemtap is 1337 HaX0rz best" again?
If you have some interesting links to add to the discussion, for instance a link saying: Developer try out DTrace and then after some time developer says "I gone back to Systemtap. After the first month, I realised DTrace is not that much better than Systemtap", then post such links. Or if you have links that show Developers switch from DTrace to Systemtap, then post it. If you have no links which shows developers prefer Systemtap before DTrace, then you have nothing interesting to add to the discussion. I have showed links where Developers switch from Linux just to get DTrace. You have not showed links that show Developers switch just to get Systemtap, or where Developers praise Systemtap over DTrace. So, how can DTrace just be "slightly more polished"? No, that is wrong. DTrace is vastly better.
This is actually evident if you are a programmer. If you are not, you will not understand anything.
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