Originally posted by kebabbert
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And yet Google chooses Linux over Solaris.
And yet almost any website your on runs on Linux not Solaris.
And yet game developers write server packages for Linux not Solaris.
And yet every phone-maker out there who doesn't uses IOS or Symbian uses Linux.
And yet almost every super-computer runs on Linux not Solaris.
And the list goes on...
Sure, I am completely wrong cause I don't give you sources.
Sure, no-one knows what's best for them but you do: Solaris!
Sure, no-one knows that these IQ tests have been abandoned years ago because it appears that intelligence isn't measurable in numbers and that there isn't a global kind of intelligence.
You know what? I am going to stop now, I can never ever win a debate from such a clever and clearly superior creature such as you. Please forgive me for doubting you. I am very sure I will never ever try to criticize you again.