Woah, It Looks Like Oracle Will Stand Behind OpenSolaris

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  • kebabbert
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 500

    Alan has never stopped sending those mails. I am getting tired on some boneheaded people. Again, for the umpteen time: there are no signs that Oracle is killing Solaris or OpenSolaris. Instead, Larry has invested billions in Solaris, far more money than Linux. And he will invest even more money now. We have told you that umpteen times. But we just dont reach some of you guys.

    "Solaris is dead". "ZFS is dead". etc. etc. It is really difficult to discuss with some people here. *Sigh*

    EDIT: I have thought a bit on this. I doubt people are so mentally retarded that they dont understand. The only choice must be that they are FUDars and liars. That is far more probable, than some people having an IQ of 75 or lower. To have such a low IQ is very unlikely. Ergo: They understand what we write, but choose to ignore it because they are FUDers and liars.


    • kebabbert
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2008
      • 500

      To moderator: Please delete my previous post. I want to edit it and rephrase it. But it is not possible to edit it. So here is my final version of my post:

      At last people seem to understand that Solaris is not dead, though we have told you that many times. There is hope. Thanx for writing this article, OS news.

      Larry has invested billions in Solaris as he bought Sun to get the two key assets: Java and Solaris. That is far more money than he ever invested in Linux. And he will invest even more money now. He is going almost all-in Solaris.


      • shmerl
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2009
        • 3514

        Originally posted by kebabbert View Post
        That is far more money than he ever invested in Linux. And he will invest even more money now. He is going almost all-in Solaris.
        Still it doesn't mean there is nothing wrong with OpenSolaris as an open source project now. Oracle's unreasonable silence caused a lot of concern. Oracle might be interested in Solaris as a commercial OS, but whether they are interested in open source project OpenSolaris - is yet to be proven.


        • Dubhthach
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2009
          • 19

          Originally posted by stan View Post
          ..... Linux right now is the closest thing to a replacement for Windows,...
          Well this is your problem right here. I use OpenSolaris not because it's a replacement for Windows but because it's Unix. The problem I think is there is alot of people using Linux because they dislike Windows.

          Reminds me about the quote about difference between *BSD and Linux
          "*BSD is a unix for the PC written by Unix hackers. Linux is a unix for the PC written by PC hackers"

          tbh from a desktop point of view it's not really "Linux versus Windows" but "X11/Gnome/KDE versus Windows" your average enduser isn't gonna want a Linux machine because of the cool features in the scheduling system of the kernel.

          This "X11/Gnome/KDE" stack is the same on OpenSolaris anyways, heck most of the human interoperability work done on Gnome over the last 10years was done by Sun with the goal of replacing CDE in Solaris.


          • kebabbert
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2008
            • 500

            Originally posted by shmerl View Post
            Oracle might be interested in Solaris as a commercial OS, but whether they are interested in open source project OpenSolaris - is yet to be proven.
            That I agree with you. There has never been any doubt about Solaris. Even though FUDers say "so the OpenSolaris board maybe will resign? That means Solaris is dead". No, Solaris is not dead, and will not die.

            IBM AIX on the other hand, IBM has officially said that AIX will be phased out in favour of Linux. IBM will kill AIX and bet on Linux in the future (when Linux has matured enough). This is outspoken and official. AIX development is slowing down. So, AIX will die. There are no plans to kill off Solaris.

            On the other hand, OpenSolaris will be forked off and polished and released as next gen Solaris 11. There are suspicions Solaris 11 will be announced on the big Oracle event this autumn. That all resources are redirected to work on Solaris 11 instead of OpenSolaris distro.


            • kraftman
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 2457

              Originally posted by kebabbert View Post
              Alan has never stopped sending those mails. I am getting tired on some boneheaded people. Again, for the umpteen time: there are no signs that Oracle is killing Solaris or OpenSolaris. Instead, Larry has invested billions in Solaris, far more money than Linux. And he will invest even more money now. We have told you that umpteen times. But we just dont reach some of you guys.
              A source, please. Btw. just compare development power of Linux and Solaris and guess which one has a much more powerfull.

              "Solaris is dead". "ZFS is dead". etc. etc. It is really difficult to discuss with some people here. *Sigh*
              According to some news even OpenSolaris guys thought it will die.

              EDIT: I have thought a bit on this. I doubt people are so mentally retarded that they dont understand. The only choice must be that they are FUDars and liars. That is far more probable, than some people having an IQ of 75 or lower. To have such a low IQ is very unlikely. Ergo: They understand what we write, but choose to ignore it because they are FUDers and liars.
              You're here!


              • kraftman
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 2457

                Originally posted by Dubhthach View Post
                tbh from a desktop point of view it's not really "Linux versus Windows" but "X11/Gnome/KDE versus Windows" your average enduser isn't gonna want a Linux machine because of the cool features in the scheduling system of the kernel.
                Yeah, users don't want drivers, KMS etc.

                This "X11/Gnome/KDE" stack is the same on OpenSolaris anyways, heck most of the human interoperability work done on Gnome over the last 10years was done by Sun with the goal of replacing CDE in Solaris.
                CDE is a joke and the same about Gnome. This interoperability work makes me laugh.


                • kebabbert
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 500

                  Originally posted by kraftman View Post
                  A source, please.
                  A source on what? Could you be more specific? I don't know how many times I have told you "what is clear to you, is not clear to me". But I just don't reach you on this. I have explained that many times. But you just don't understand. It is tiresome.

                  Originally posted by kraftman View Post
                  Btw. just compare development power of Linux and Solaris and guess which one has a much more powerfull.
                  I don't care how many amateur devs Linux have. Nothing new is invented in Linux. Linux devs just copy: ZFS, DTrace, etc. And the copies are bad. Ok if the copies where better, but no, all copies suck bad. Not to mention how bloated and buggy Linux is - as Linux kernel devs say. Including Linus T. Solaris dont have that bad reputation that Linux has.

                  Originally posted by kraftman View Post
                  According to some news even OpenSolaris guys thought it will die.
                  Oh yes? Do you have a source on this?

                  Originally posted by kraftman View Post
                  You're here!
                  I have done the informal MENSA test on their web site. I mailed to MENSA and asked about my result, and they told me I am on the verge of getting accepted to MENSA. (I had 13 out of 18, and some MENSA members had 12 out of 18 on the informal test). Hence, my IQ is / or close to 131. This is far above IQ of 75. MENSA said they have many mathematicians and physicists as members.

                  I was actually referring to other people, those who don't understand what one write. You know, when I write something many times, and he just doesn't understand. Then he seem to be quite dumb, don't you think? But I doubt there exist so dumb people here who doesn't understand, no matter how many times I explain. No one can be so dumb to have an IQ of below 75.


                  • smitty3268
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 6970

                    Originally posted by kebabbert View Post
                    I don't care how many amateur devs Linux have. Nothing new is invented in Linux. Linux devs just copy: ZFS, DTrace, etc. And the copies are bad.
                    Come on, that's just FUD. Linux devs create all kinds of new stuff. The fact taht all I ever hear about from Solaris is ZFS and DTrace makes me think Linux probably comes up with a lot more in comparison.

                    Not to mention how bloated and buggy Linux is - as Linux kernel devs say. Including Linus T. Solaris dont have that bad reputation that Linux has.
                    It doesn't? I'm pretty sure it does in some minds, like mine for instance. Anyway, that bloated quote is taken completely out of context, as I'm sure you know. I bet if you asked Linus about Solaris he'd say it's bloated and buggy as well. Probably the same for every modern kernel in widespread use.

                    I have done the informal MENSA test on their web site.
                    Oh, god, you're one of those people who starts talking about MENSA the second someone questions your intelligence. Sigh...


                    • kebabbert
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 500

                      Originally posted by smitty3268 View Post
                      Come on, that's just FUD. Linux devs create all kinds of new stuff. The fact taht all I ever hear about from Solaris is ZFS and DTrace makes me think Linux probably comes up with a lot more in comparison.
                      How is it FUD? So what new hot cool tech has Linux got, that everyone wants? You tell me. I have never hear about anything new hot tech Linux devs create. They just copy. Actually, the whole Linux is a copy, a bad reimplementation of Unix. But on the other hand, many wants to (and already have, including Linux) copy Solaris tech. So is it a fact, or is it FUD?

                      Originally posted by smitty3268 View Post
                      It doesn't? I'm pretty sure it does in some minds, like mine for instance. Anyway, that bloated quote is taken completely out of context, as I'm sure you know. I bet if you asked Linus about Solaris he'd say it's bloated and buggy as well. Probably the same for every modern kernel in widespread use.
                      If you say that high end Enterprise Unix such as Solaris has a bad reputation as buggy and bloated, then I want to see some links. Show us some links. Go ahead. You know, Solaris code is out there. And if someone found it to be ugly, then we sure would have heard it.

                      I can show you links where people basically say that Linux sucks and is buggy, and bloated. Links even from Linux kernel devs. If you believe I lie and FUD about this, I can prove it is not lies nor FUD. Do you want to see some links?

                      Originally posted by smitty3268 View Post
                      Oh, god, you're one of those people who starts talking about MENSA the second someone questions your intelligence. Sigh...
                      Yes, if someone says things about me that is not true, I must correct them. Dont you do that? If I claim you "said Linux sucks", then you surely want to correct me. So how is my reaction different from yours?


