Related to kernel development is Gmail not accepting mails fromVger, where LKML and other important Linux kernel mailing lista are.
Please publish a news article about this, it needs relevance. Maybe Google will be aware of it then.
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Linux 6.6-rc2 Picking Up Quirk For ASUS ROG Flow X16 Tablet Mode Handling
Be aware that this laptop has an Nvidia GPU. Do a lot of research before buying this and hoping that external displays will work or that the graphics driver won't crash 3 times a day.
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Linux 6.6-rc2 Picking Up Quirk For ASUS ROG Flow X16 Tablet Mode Handling
Phoronix: Linux 6.6-rc2 Picking Up Quirk For ASUS ROG Flow X16 Tablet Mode Handling
While the Linux 6.6 merge window is over, sent out today were a set of x86 platform driver fixes that include adding a quirk so that the tablet mode switch event properly occurs with the new ASUS ROG Flow X16 laptop...
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