Booting With Mandriva's Speedboot

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  • d2kx
    Yeah, Mandriva is a nice distribution and they got some popularity problems at the moment so they try to be innovative where they can but this is nothing I look forward to.

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  • MartjeB
    I doubt I'll every use that. This reminds me of Windows where serveral apps have not yet loaded when the desktop has already loaded.

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  • tball
    Is this something we are able to install on Ubuntu? :P

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  • Vadi
    This is definitely nice. I wonder what's the speed on a normal hd though.

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  • phoronix
    started a topic Booting With Mandriva's Speedboot

    Booting With Mandriva's Speedboot

    Phoronix: Booting With Mandriva's Speedboot

    Being worked on as part of Mandriva's next Linux distribution update is a technology they are referring to as Speedboot. Speedboot will be officially introduced with Mandriva Linux 2009.1, and compared to the normal boot process, it begins initializing some processes early on while it postpones other tasks until after the graphical display manager has shown. In essence, the user is logging into their Linux desktop even before the system is fully booted. We have some timed results of Mandriva's Speedboot along with videos showing the differences.

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