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Epic Games' Tim Sweeney Is Warning Of Microsoft's Closed Gaming Ecosystem

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  • Nille
    Originally posted by Nille_kungen View Post
    This time it was, last sentence in the article.
    Microsoft is looking to dominate the games industry ecosystem with its aggressive new UWP initiative. Developers must oppose this, or else cede control of their titles
    So i read it and again, its only a different way for distribute packages.

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  • Nille_kungen
    Originally posted by Nille View Post

    He was linked? Normal only links back to this Blog are Linked ....
    This time it was, last sentence in the article.
    Microsoft is looking to dominate the games industry ecosystem with its aggressive new UWP initiative. Developers must oppose this, or else cede control of their titles

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  • Nille
    Originally posted by Nille_kungen View Post
    Did you read the source article?
    He was linked? Normal only links back to this Blog are Linked ....

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  • asdfblah
    Originally posted by johnc View Post
    PC gaming is essentially a closed platform as it is now, thanks to years and years of developers knob-polishing DirectX and other closed, proprietary, locked-in tech.

    You guys made your bed. Enjoy getting bent over by MS.

    It's really funny that, while MANY companies use/distribute Linux for cheap/free, as their main embedded/server/networking/... OS (you can find Linux even in your SD card!), the gaming industry apparently just "discovered" that they could do the same, too... They just needed to do some conjoint effort.

    And who cares about PC/desktop gaming, if every company could make their own gaming OS, or even console?

    What we Linux user should do/have done is to motivate these companies to move to Linux as their main target, and to convince them to pressure hardware companies to make/improve their graphics (and other) drivers/stacks.
    Last edited by asdfblah; 04 March 2016, 09:00 PM.

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  • drone4four
    Imagine for a moment if nvidia, AMD, Nintendo, Sony, Epic, Valve, Crytek, Ubisoft, Blizzard, et. al. all came together as an industry and decided to assemble a standard gaming console operating system. Imagine that these players and actors doing what they did with Vulkan, but let’s see them come together this time writing exclusives for what Gabe N started with SteamOS. Together these actors have billions of dollars at their disposal. Sony developed a platform around FreeBSD. Google built Android on top of Linux. I read somewhere that Valve’s SteamOS cabal is only 12 people. Imagine what the entire gaming industry could do if they collectively decided to huddle around SteamOS or come up with something better based on Linux. Microsoft’s UWP barrier is precisely what we need to see a free alternative flourish and have SteamOS exclusives.

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  • Azrael5
    Originally posted by c0derbear View Post
    As a former professional game developer (15 years+ in that industry) and having pushed on multiple platforms I'd contribute this....please take it as the 'two cent' contribution it is ...

    Linux based gaming will be somewhat niche for a long time, simply because the dominant consumer desktop OS is not Linux based and won't be, for a very long time.

    Development shops simply can not sustain supporting the larger public in Linux based gaming, the sheer hardware variants combined with driver variants that live out there are unwieldy at best. Microsoft has worked HARD (by hook and by crook) to get Windows to a point where it is well supported by the IHVs, Linux support lags in important ways that the general populace won't have the patience for. Heck, my wife barely does and she is a technologist in her own rights who HATES Windows - one day we'll figure out why suspend/resume doesn't work on her 2015 Alienware 15 R2 under Ubuntu but it hasn't resolved yet.

    I would speculate though that over time we're going to see fewer and fewer casual games being pushed out for desktop, leaving them be mobile based - whether phone or tablet - which will result in the pragmatic duality of Android and iOS being the dominant by-the-numbers gaming platform (which they may already be). I continually see people spending more and more time playing games this way, and buying the portable battery packs to support it. I have former colleagues who more and more are developing only for iOS or Android or the two, and have abandoned desktop and console targets altogether.

    The smaller percentage of dedicated - "core" ? - gamers will go where the content is and have both the expensive desktop and console devices needed to play the games they are interested in. These are also often the online "vocal majority" who mistakenly (!) feel they speak for the gaming community at large. They won't settle for a lesser desktop experience if the XBox plays it better on their 56" TV, for example. Likewise the other direction for games that are hindered by a needing a traditional desktop input device set, guarantee of extended duration without power drop, ridiculously powerful GPU/CPU presence, brobdingnagian RAM or local storage requirements, or any combination.
    If you want to spread games on linux:

    1) linux operating system has to run flawlessly and has to be customizable;
    2) you have to make proposals directly to gamers during gaming expositions where they can test the product playing it also organizing matches.

    After this, gamers will spread gaming on linux.
    Last edited by Azrael5; 04 March 2016, 07:06 PM.

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  • starshipeleven
    MS that is trying to rule the world by force and by establishing monopolies. Totally unexpected. I'm dazzled by how unexpected this is.

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  • rabcor
    I saw something like this coming from the moment I saw metro. I am so happy I switched to Linux at that point. Microsoft are fucking dicks.

    Originally posted by b15hop View Post

    And Uplay / Blizzard / GOG.

    As a PC gamer, I am frankly tired of games being built for Playstation or Xbox first, and PC is an after thought. I completely agree with John Carmack that API on the desktop needed to improve fast. Hopefully Vulkan can fix that because consoles are taking too much of the glory. Why spend so much on a PC only to find the graphics only look marginally better if that. It's quite a disappointment. I think personally that phone app games are over rated, and only really show where the money is. This is why I have such respect for Blizzard, who seem to push the gaming boundaries but stay true to their cause. Ie Desktop.

    My theory with Microsoft is that eventually they will get too greedy and shoot themself in the foot. Look at the way they dealt with Internet Explorer? Trying to corner the market, time and time again. Greedy tactics don't get far. Consumers aren't that stupid. It's starting to happen now on mobile platforms too. I won't be surprised if Microsoft try to force their app store and destroy all the potential value that makes Windows gaming worth it... What gives Valve the advantage to really show off SteamOS... But to me SteamOS is average at best. SteamOS really needs more than just gaming to get them off the ground. So if Microsoft screw up, Valve really should use this as an opportunity to really work hard at making SteamOS what it needs to be. A complete desktop and gaming environment. Not just a gaming platform.
    What SteamOS needs is a desktop variant, and it of course needs more stability and performance optimizations. Honestly I feel let down by how bad of a job valve did on SteamOS; it's debut was a disaster in so many ways. They should make something like a desktop variant of steamos with cinnamon on it (that's what's liked most by former windows users these days; mint and all) and really dedicate themselves to developing it. Make it their thing. Then again maybe valve just has shitty developers? I mean steam (the program itself) is a fucking pile of gunk on any platform... Maybe valve just don't have any good coders; they at least definitely don't have QA.
    Last edited by rabcor; 04 March 2016, 05:47 PM.

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  • kpedersen
    It is my understanding that Microsoft has actually opened up their Windows store related technology since 8.1.

    For example, developers do not need to rent a 30 day developer license to develop / test apps and users can now enable side loading with any version of Windows 10 without a special enterprise key or connecting to some domain server bollocks. This means that I can sell Windows 10 apps from my own website.

    To be fair, it is very unlikely Windows will drop support for "standard" (I refuse to call them legacy because they are far superior to app store apps) applications but they might charge for it on a subscription based manner (Think paid for "Desktop" app that you buy from the store). Does anyone see any problem with this? I personally don't. After all Windows is *not* free. Linux and *BSD *are* free, so no change there then.

    Fools cant simply tie themselves to a expensive proprietary OS *AND* bitch about it. They can just sod off frankly and get off my internet

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  • tomtomme
    Originally posted by b15hop View Post

    And Uplay / Blizzard / GOG.

    As a PC gamer, I am frankly tired of games being built for Playstation or Xbox first, and PC is an after thought. I completely agree with John Carmack that API on the desktop needed to improve fast. Hopefully Vulkan can fix that because consoles are taking too much of the glory. Why spend so much on a PC only to find the graphics only look marginally better if that. It's quite a disappointment. I think personally that phone app games are over rated, and only really show where the money is. This is why I have such respect for Blizzard, who seem to push the gaming boundaries but stay true to their cause. Ie Desktop.
    Blizzard? True to the Desktop? What about this Diablo3 on console shit? And this card game on mobile shit?
    Valve is the bastion of pc gaming. And by the way: Epic already has some kind of an own store. Download the new unreal tournament and you see a launcher similar to blizzards launcher where you can get a hand full of games and the engine. Sadly epic themselves are not that focused on pc anymore. Besides their moblie-console-friendly-engine they advertise infinity blade and shadow complex on their homepage.
    Last edited by tomtomme; 04 March 2016, 03:07 PM.

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