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  • geamandura
    Phoronix Member
    • Oct 2008
    • 63

    Hi guys. How about Harvest - Massive Encounter? I've been playing it on Windows, and it absolutely rocks. Good graphics, big replayability, made by a seemingly very small studio from Sweden. Would be nice to have it native on Linux.


    • niniendowarrior
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2006
      • 639

      Originally posted by xav1r View Post
      Wow, finally, a break. I got this email from Erza Dreishbach today regarding Powerslave:

      So he's OK with that!! Now it's a matter of contacting the right people.
      This is certainly good news, I think. If he's open with it, that's one person down and a couple of hundred to go! j/k


      • xav1r
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2007
        • 672

        Originally posted by niniendowarrior View Post
        This is certainly good news, I think. If he's open with it, that's one person down and a couple of hundred to go! j/k

        Yep, well, now it's more like 100, probably somewhat less. I contacted playmates for the 3rd time now, and they have told me again that they dont know nothing about it. I dont think they own the rights anymore, or if they do, they just dont care, although that doesnt seem to be the case. Im more inclined to the first posibility.

        I guess it's down to Crave and the rest of the ex lobotomy employees. Now, where to find them...


        • niniendowarrior
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2006
          • 639

          Originally posted by xav1r View Post
          Yep, well, now it's more like 100, probably somewhat less. I contacted playmates for the 3rd time now, and they have told me again that they dont know nothing about it. I dont think they own the rights anymore, or if they do, they just dont care, although that doesnt seem to be the case. Im more inclined to the first posibility.

          I guess it's down to Crave and the rest of the ex lobotomy employees. Now, where to find them...
          If you hold the ending credits list of Powerslave, that's a start. :P


          • xav1r
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2007
            • 672

            Originally posted by niniendowarrior View Post
            If you hold the ending credits list of Powerslave, that's a start. :P
            Thats a good starting point, thanks.

            Well, so far from doing some basic searches, I found that the main lead designer for powerslave was someone named Brian McNeely. After Lobotomy shut down he went to Game Boss studios, which specialized in n64 games. Taht company shut down too. However, im seeing that apparently they were in contacts (game boss) with another company still around called SouthPeak. Maybe Svartalf knows something if they probably acquired Game Boss?


            • Svartalf
              Linux Game Publishing
              • Jun 2006
              • 3175

              Originally posted by xav1r View Post
              Thats a good starting point, thanks.

              Well, so far from doing some basic searches, I found that the main lead designer for powerslave was someone named Brian McNeely. After Lobotomy shut down he went to Game Boss studios, which specialized in n64 games. Taht company shut down too. However, im seeing that apparently they were in contacts (game boss) with another company still around called SouthPeak. Maybe Svartalf knows something if they probably acquired Game Boss?
              They might have (I don't know this for certain, but the digging I was able to do online indicates that things went down that way...), but it appears Brian landed over at Nintendo in Seattle, based on a LinkedIn check...

              In a bent sort of way, I kind of like LinkedIn afterall...


              • xav1r
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2007
                • 672

                Originally posted by Svartalf View Post
                They might have (I don't know this for certain, but the digging I was able to do online indicates that things went down that way...), but it appears Brian landed over at Nintendo in Seattle, based on a LinkedIn check...

                In a bent sort of way, I kind of like LinkedIn afterall...
                Really? ehehehe, then he returned to Nintendo, since Lobotomy was founded by former nintendo employees that wanted to create their own studio. :P


                • niniendowarrior
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2006
                  • 639

                  Originally posted by xav1r View Post
                  Really? ehehehe, then he returned to Nintendo, since Lobotomy was founded by former nintendo employees that wanted to create their own studio. :P
                  That would be a very accurate description. You see, Nintendo had problems with third party support, so they had to look like they had third party companies supporting them. j/k

                  Lobotomy, I wonder why a people would want to name their own company after a type of psychosurgery.


                  • xav1r
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 672

                    Originally posted by niniendowarrior View Post
                    That would be a very accurate description. You see, Nintendo had problems with third party support, so they had to look like they had third party companies supporting them. j/k

                    Lobotomy, I wonder why a people would want to name their own company after a type of psychosurgery.

                    Cause it sounds cool? Why would someone name their companies Valve or Blizzard?


                    • Svartalf
                      Linux Game Publishing
                      • Jun 2006
                      • 3175

                      Originally posted by niniendowarrior View Post
                      Lobotomy, I wonder why a people would want to name their own company after a type of psychosurgery.
                      To sound "cool". About like rock band names (Why the heck you'd want to name a band "Toad The Wet Sprocket", "Stone Temple Pilots", or "Veruca Salt" is beyond me, but we happen to have bands named that way... ).

                      In the end, it matters little if the stuff's good.

