Originally posted by Svartalf
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Originally posted by xav1r View PostHehehe, maybe this is a little off, but what about this game?
Spiderweb Software creates epic indie fantasy adventures for Windows, Macintosh, and the iPad, including the hit Avernum, Geneforge and Avadon series.
Its a 1997 game called Blades of Exile. The company that made it released the full source code of it under the GPL. I havent played it, but i've read that it was a very fun and popular turn based game.
Originally posted by xav1r View PostIsnt Max Payne owned by rockstar/Take 2 now? In that case it'd be difficult to port it. I thought the jedi knight as well as the star trek games were made by raven, hmmm.
As for the rest...
Jedi Knight II : Raven. Used modified Q3:A engine. Might have access to things if Lucasarts could be convinced. Not likely right now. Once I have a better bead on what we DO have and what we might get as a result, we can revisit.
Jedi Acadamy : Raven. Used the JK2 engine mods and carried them a bit further. Same story as JK2...
ST:Armada : Activision in-house. Uses the modernized Battlezone engine. DEAD.
ST:Elite Force : Raven. Published by Activision. This would probably be tougher to get than JK2 and JA, in my opinion, because of the publisher. Unlikely.
A 2D shooter.
It is free to play, although I think you need a registration code for more advanced features.
It has community support with wine, so I don't know if they'd be willing to have it ported.
It would be a nice one to start off with.
Ok, here's the email I got from Les Bird:
I have no idea who owns the rights at this point. I was trying to find out who owns the rights to Corridor 7 and they probably also own the rights to Witchaven and Tekwar but I've had no luck at all. I know at one time it was published by Gametek so maybe they purchased the rights to some of Capstone's software at one time but I don't even know if they still exist.
And yes, IntraCorp published their owns titles.