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  • Svartalf
    Linux Game Publishing
    • Jun 2006
    • 3175

    Originally posted by xav1r View Post
    more random choices : Im on a roll!!!
    Kaiser or onion? >:-D

    Seriously, though, this is being helpful- one guy can't ferret out all this stuff by himself.

    -Interstate 75
    It's "Interstate 76"- Activision title. Themed vaguely like Bandits (if I can ever get it out...) If you've got an inside lead over there, by all means let me know. Otherwise, this is a no-go for at least reasons of the publisher if nothing else. It looked like a fun game when they came out with it and it's different enough from the Bandits gameplay that it would be worth considering if we could get rights to it.

    -Syndicate Wars
    Sadly, I don't think Bullfrog or EA would want to part with the rights to this or allow such an "old" game to be made available right now.

    -Simcity hehehe
    Now I know you're just being silly- that's already there if you want to unbundle the work to make Metropolis fit on the OLPC...
    Last edited by Svartalf; 09 July 2008, 11:03 AM.


    • mlau
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2006
      • 778

      Originally posted by Svartalf View Post

      Sadly, I don't think Bullfrog or EA would want to part with the rights to this or allow such an "old" game to be made available right now.
      Aww, too bad. I'd love to have a native linux version of Dungeon Keeper


      • Svartalf
        Linux Game Publishing
        • Jun 2006
        • 3175

        Originally posted by anyone View Post
        Activision is merging with Blizzard...
        Activision has officially received shareholder approval for its merger with Vivendi. The company said over 92 percent of its shareholders greenlighted the merger, and the transaction is expected to officially close tomorrow.

        I wonder if this is good or bad for us.
        Mixed. Blizzard itself isn't overly hostile (They DID make a native WoW client- that got nixed by the parent company Vivendi...) but the parent isn't friendly to us- any more than Activision is right now, really. It translates into having one place to go talk to for rights access to things like Interstate 76- but the company in question's not nice to us.


        • Svartalf
          Linux Game Publishing
          • Jun 2006
          • 3175

          Originally posted by mlau View Post
          Aww, too bad. I'd love to have a native linux version of Dungeon Keeper
          Another one of those goofy games I wouldn't mind seeing on Linux for retro play value as much as anything else.


          • givemesugarr
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2007
            • 406

            well, in my opinion all opengl based games could be ported to linux. there could be a middle layer between the game and the opengl driver interpreter to help the opengl games to be fastly ported to linux.
            the directx games would require a full game rewrite and that is not possible with some games.
            the only thing that linux still lacks is proper opensource flash support, a way to write pdf files directly now that pdf has been recognized officialy by osi as a standard and games porting.
            the first two are not very far from their goal and on the third amd and tungsten have started to work with their gallium work. if only nvidia would start supporting in the right way the opensource community, with hw documentation, then the third point would rapidly grow in actual implementation.


            • Marox
              Junior Member
              • Nov 2007
              • 20

              what about Silent Hill 4 or even the upcoming Silent Hill 5 ?

              or the rather old title Battlezone 2 ?


              • xav1r
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2007
                • 672

                Originally posted by Svartalf View Post
                Ahh... Unfortunately, what you're describing is willful infringement of whomever owns the rights to that code and the assets. Did you think it was appropriate that Actiontec and Verizon misappropriate busybox? If not, what you are suggesting is no different.

                Sorry, not going to dabble in willful Copyright infringement- it might impair my ability to prosecute cases when my work (Patented or Copyrighted- and YES, I do have rights in both worlds...) was infringed upon.

                It's easy enough to see if we can't trace the chain of Copyright ownership and get signoff from the person who owns the rights before doing any actual work on the subject.
                Oh, ok, I understand, and yes, i dont think it was appropiate for Actiontec and Verizon to misapropiate busybox. I was just so excited about these games finally getting some well deserved attention. But, does that mean that you are dropping these games off the list? That'd be kind of a pity. Ok, what if we combine efforts to find who owns the copyright and get them to allow working on them? You can count on me.


                • xav1r
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2007
                  • 672

                  Originally posted by Svartalf View Post
                  Raptor's already on the list...

                  Powerslave's getting added to the list, then... If we can get signoff, we can make a JFBuild variant with the code they have.
                  Great! I'll resume my efforts to track down the former lobotomy software developers then!


                  • xav1r
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 672

                    Originally posted by Svartalf View Post
                    Kaiser or onion? >:-D

                    Seriously, though, this is being helpful- one guy can't ferret out all this stuff by himself.

                    It's "Interstate 76"- Activision title. Themed vaguely like Bandits (if I can ever get it out...) If you've got an inside lead over there, by all means let me know. Otherwise, this is a no-go for at least reasons of the publisher if nothing else. It looked like a fun game when they came out with it and it's different enough from the Bandits gameplay that it would be worth considering if we could get rights to it.

                    Sadly, I don't think Bullfrog or EA would want to part with the rights to this or allow such an "old" game to be made available right now.

                    Now I know you're just being silly- that's already there if you want to unbundle the work to make Metropolis fit on the OLPC...
                    ehehehehe, oh yea, you'd be surprised at how much i can ferret out on my own. Ah yes, i meant to type interstate 76, but somehow i typed 75, :P I might have some leads into it, Ill look. Ah, I didnt know EA owned Syndicate Wars, probably it wont be feasable then.

                    hehehe, wouldnt it be cool to offer official support for simcity on the OLPC?


                    • xav1r
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 672

                      Ok, this probably aren't very good suggestions, but I'll post them anyways. What about the Serious Sam games? I think Croteam is pretty linux friendly, or at least not hostile towards it, and they're still independent i think, not owned by a bigger media conglomerate. There was supposed to be an official linux client for Serious Sam II, Croteam even got to a very working beta release, and then one day pulled it off, and left it in the cold. Some of the conspiracy theories around it were that Microsoft paid Croteam to shelve the linux client because Serious Sam II was going to be released on the Xbox, but thats just a rumor. Anyways, they might consider either of their Serious Sam games ported to linux.

                      Ok, I know Cod4 is a AAA title by Activision, and it wont be ported anytime soon, but what about the earlier Cods? They're still fun to play, and arent that hot of a property anymore. Maybe not Cod2, since its very similar to Cod4, but what about the original CoD? It's still a blast on multiplayer, and technologically speaking is sort of on par with Medal of Honor Allied Assault. And that runs natively on Linux as we all know. What do you think?

