Put the wish list for porting projects HERE...

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  • xav1r
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2007
    • 672

    Originally posted by Aradreth View Post
    This is currently being done for Morrowind http://openmw.snaptoad.com/ an interesting choice of language I might add (using D).

    Edit: xav1r's mention of adventure games brought Sam and Max to mind, it's a small franchise but has a solid group of fans.
    Ah, yea, Sam and max, do you mean the original release of the game, or the newer episodic games? In either case i believe theres a good chance the company involved would be interested. hehehe, funny how in the adventure game industry the stakes arent that high as to make companies weary of their returns in investment.


    • xav1r
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2007
      • 672

      Originally posted by Svartalf View Post

      Soldier of Fortune II - Maybe. Need to get a few of these likely candidates under our belts before we go to Raven and ask 'em about it or anything else they've got rights to.
      Regarding soldier of fortune II, it'd be a good candidate, and maybe Soldier of Fortune I too. SofI does have a linux client, but it's not very good, and its outdated.

      Im thinking, what about Kingpin, life of crime? It was an awesome game in its time. Problem is, it's unclear who owns the rights to that game.


      • Thetargos
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2007
        • 911

        Actually there IS a native SoF I version released for Linux (courtesy of Loki, actually)

        Oops. I didn't see you actually said SoF HAD a Linux version. I would agree about an update, maybe release a point-release (patch) for GlibC 2.3+ and GCC3.2+? That'd be nice.


        • xav1r
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2007
          • 672

          yea, and improve multiplayer support, maybe widescreen support too.


          • Svartalf
            Linux Game Publishing
            • Jun 2006
            • 3175

            Originally posted by xav1r View Post
            Well, both of the Witchaven titles' full source code modfifications to the build engine are available for free, one of the former programmers that worked on it released them on his website. www.lesbird.com.
            Okay... That changes the list up. Thanks for the head's up on the source there. Not the top-notch stuff, but fun to play from what I understand.

            BTw, did you get my previous post about Redneck Rampage? The franchise was bought a few years ago by Vivendi, they own the rights to it, so it might be a problem getting them to allow it to be ported.
            Rights to the franchise doesn't always get code with it. I suspect VU bought the rights to eventually produce a "new" version of the game, dredging up a good hokey franchise, zombie-like, and ruin the whole thing for everyone...

            Since it's VU with clear title to the rights for future passes at that game franchise, it's definitely a dead end for now.

            Do you think 3dr would agree to port their games too? I would love to see rise of the triad native on linux. Maybe some adventure games, like Perry Rhodan too.
            Heh... If they have the source (Not all studios keep track of this stuff forever- I'm sure Apogee/3DR has a few of their source trees in a releasable form, but not all of them- not to mention that things like Terminal Velocity had license-outs to Microsoft (Hellbender) and those deals may preclude release or remixes being done...) and I can sweet talk them out of doing it, probably. I'd have to build up to it first though. Cold, right now, with only a couple of port projects, they may not give me the time of day, even if I AM local to 'em.


            • Svartalf
              Linux Game Publishing
              • Jun 2006
              • 3175

              Originally posted by xav1r View Post
              Oh, sorry, yea, its kinda around there, here's a direct link:

              Right there's the full source of the 3 games he worked at while employed at that company.

              Edit: Oh, just as a note, as it's stated on the site, one of the files has a virus. It's an old dos era virus, that can be easily detected and eliminated with any free AV available. Since most if not all the people here are *nix users i dont think that'll be a problem anyways.
              Heh... As a note- this is being offered up as abandonware by one of the devs. We honestly want to evaluate finding the rights holder for these pieces if possible; they may be "okay" with Witchaven I & II being "revived", possibly even liberated- TekWar might not be so hot and the rights holder may not want it done so as the assets were not their own and were obtained elsewhere legitimately. If we can get a rights signoff on any of these, we can modernize their stuff with the Polymost/Network enhancements in the JFBuild version of the engine.
              Last edited by Svartalf; 08 July 2008, 12:06 PM.


              • Svartalf
                Linux Game Publishing
                • Jun 2006
                • 3175

                Originally posted by Aradreth View Post
                This is currently being done for Morrowind http://openmw.snaptoad.com/ an interesting choice of language I might add (using D).
                Considering that the engine, etc. are all in C++ or simple C, D seems like overkill and going out on a limb for a "pet" language to me. If it works, I suppose it's okay, but OpenMW doesn't count for the purposes of this discussion list unless we can get it fully working and can secure rights from Bethesda for a "remix" for Linux and other platforms.

                Edit: xav1r's mention of adventure games brought Sam and Max to mind, it's a small franchise but has a solid group of fans.
                Hm... Might be able to secure Linux rights to that... Goes in the "maybe" list for now...


                • Svartalf
                  Linux Game Publishing
                  • Jun 2006
                  • 3175

                  Originally posted by xav1r View Post
                  Im thinking, what about Kingpin, life of crime? It was an awesome game in its time. Problem is, it's unclear who owns the rights to that game.
                  Kingpin HAD a Linux version courtesy of Xatrix before they renamed themselves to Grey Matter (Heh, found 'em!)... The site where the binaries were at went bye-bye (Interplay...go figure...) so I'm not sure where one might obtain or if they'd even work.

                  They're now defunct, though they were an inside studio for Activision for a time- Grey Matter's URL goes to Treyarch (Which is local, I believe...) so the rights and source trees may have went there (though what they might have done with 'em remains to be seen...). Kingpin's going to have to probably be placed in the "dead-end" listing for now because of all of that.
                  Last edited by Svartalf; 08 July 2008, 12:39 PM.


                  • DeepDayze
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 1207

                    Originally posted by Redeeman View Post
                    svartalf, one game i PARTICULARLY would like to see, is a game released for amiga and pc(win95 probably?)

                    its a pinball game called slamtilt, its the best pinball game _EVER_ made, and i'd certainly pay good money for a port to linux.
                    Ya, that game was fun...even the 5 minute demo was a fun timewaster

                    Putting that on Linux would be nice IF it is possible...


                    • charon
                      Junior Member
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 5

                      Thank you for opening this thread.

                      I remember Svartalf destroying my hopes of a Deus Ex 1 port in the other thread yet a bit of hope still prevails so I'd like to add

                      Deus Ex 1 and
                      Master of Orion 2

                      to the list. Both are among my favourite games and I'd love to see them ported to Linux.

                      (I can't seem to get the search function to get working therefore I don't know if the games have already been discussed (haven't read the whole thread yet, I'm somewhere around page 12...))

