Feral Interactive Is Looking To Do More Linux Games

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  • tuke81
    Originally posted by curaga View Post
    I read that as Feral Interactive closing...
    Heh, fast finnish-to-english translating error, sorry about that. I should have said It's coming closer or it's approaching(closer=l?hemm?ksi,approaching=l?hesty? ), not it's closing(closing=sulkeutua).

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  • curaga
    Originally posted by tuke81 View Post
    I read that as Feral Interactive closing...

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  • Veske
    That radar is really stupid... But atleast we can know that there are games actually incoming.

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  • tuke81
    It's closing: https://www.feralinteractive.com/en/upcoming/

    Any guess/knowledge what could it be? Scorched Earth could mean quite many game's involved. Napoleon used it with his wars, but so did the Romans too. Thing is both of them(total war series) has mac port already, so what else could it be? Total war attila was released yesterday with mac port, so might be it if it's get linux port little later...

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  • Veske
    Originally posted by Kristian Joensen View Post
    When and where did they promise this?
    I cannot remember when but I do remember that there was a post in Phoronix a while ago that say'd that all SEGA games will be ported to Linux eventually. Now as I understand, Feral has been ported some of them allready like one of the Total War game. So it's safe to assume that they have been given the task to port the other ones too.

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  • Kristian Joensen
    Originally posted by Veske View Post
    Well they did promise that they would port Bioshock and all SEGA games to Linux. Getting them all ported needs a lot of man power. And to answer your question, if they are going to port thoes games then it means that SEGA and BIoshock devs have payd them to do it. So they have the money but lack the man powe.r
    When and where did they promise this?

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  • SXX⁣
    Originally posted by Veske View Post
    Even if you write C++ like a pro, the math in games programming is pretty hard.
    Let's say fair most of porting process have nothing to do with math. Of course there is some crazy math guys who have to understand how 3D engines and rendering works, but pretty sure there is much more work that not related to math at all like compatibility with window managers, some cursor/input/sound issues, etc.

    So tons of work for code monkey like me.

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  • Veske
    Well they did promise that they would port Bioshock and all SEGA games to Linux. Getting them all ported needs a lot of man power. And to answer your question, if they are going to port thoes games then it means that SEGA and BIoshock devs have payd them to do it. So they have the money but lack the man powe.r

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  • Mike Frett
    What I want to know is WHY. Why do they want to port more Games to Linux? Did previous sales do very well or some other reason that makes them feel comfortable porting more Games?. I'm seeking the reason.

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  • Veske
    Originally posted by SXX⁣ View Post
    Have same feeling about not being professional C++ programmer.

    Hope one day I become one of them and they'll still hire Linux developers...
    Even if you write C++ like a pro, the math in games programming is pretty hard.

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