The New SuperTuxKart Looks Better, But Can Cause GPU/Driver Problems

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  • imirkin
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2013
    • 262

    Originally posted by samuncle View Post
    Unfortunately some open source drivers have several bugs and performances issues. You can try to disable advanced rendering options but we recommend to use proprietary drivers if available.
    It seems perfectly reasonable to recommend drivers that work better with your software, but the fact that the bugs and performance issues were identified but never reported seems... very odd.

    Would you expect the open-source driver developers to recommend other comparable games which work fine?


    • przemoli
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2010
      • 870

      Originally posted by imirkin View Post
      It seems perfectly reasonable to recommend drivers that work better with your software, but the fact that the bugs and performance issues were identified but never reported seems... very odd.

      Would you expect the open-source driver developers to recommend other comparable games which work fine?
      No. But we can expect "Wont fix" if its in fact bug in engine.
      Though that one patch mentioned seam to be related to book keeping of internal structures.


      • Xaero_Vincent
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2014
        • 662

        Originally posted by bms20 View Post
        You must be kidding me. The commercial variant of OpenGL offered by NVidia is hundreds of man years ahead. There is no comparison.

        Try going to and watch the open source drivers implode....

        These should serve as a basis for improving the oss drivers.

        I'm not an NVidia fanboy; I'd like Sandy Bridge to work well - its just that it doesn't...

        Believe it or not but the Linux Catalyst 14.12 driver survives the renderings when visiting this site on my system. Was kind of expecting it to crash and burn.


        • vljn
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2011
          • 32

          I wasn't involved in the process of writing the initial announcement otherwise I would have asked to remove the note about proprietary driver.

          Mesa drivers run STK fine here with Hawaii last time I tested. There is a bug that was uncovered during development (about texture array framebuffer) and there is a patch (against mesa) to solve it (I didnt commit it since the corresponding piglit patch need some work but I intend to do it before final stk release in january or february).
          Proprietary drivers support newer features like compute shaders that I use to improve some filter's performance when supported but I had much more stability issue.


          • CrystalGamma
            Senior Member
            • May 2014
            • 515

            Originally posted by vljn View Post
            I wasn't involved in the process of writing the initial announcement otherwise I would have asked to remove the note about proprietary driver.

            Mesa drivers run STK fine here with Hawaii last time I tested. There is a bug that was uncovered during development (about texture array framebuffer) and there is a patch (against mesa) to solve it (I didnt commit it since the corresponding piglit patch need some work but I intend to do it before final stk release in january or february).
            Proprietary drivers support newer features like compute shaders that I use to improve some filter's performance when supported but I had much more stability issue.
            Good to know! I guess STK will then be one of the games I'll try playing once I get my gaming rig back this weekend
            Here's hoping it will work on R600g Cayman or RadeonSI Tahiti-LE ...
            Last edited by CrystalGamma; 17 December 2014, 06:38 PM.


            • bms20
              Junior Member
              • Oct 2012
              • 16

              Originally posted by dh04000 View Post
              Sandybridge user here. I feel your pain. I just tried to visit that site you linked and my computer froze before the site even finished loading. I didn't even click anything yet....
              I am very sorry - I did not mean to crash your system.

              I tried it on baytrail and ivybridge and it just took forever to load.


              • Caledar
                Phoronix Member
                • Mar 2013
                • 62

                Originally posted by Michael View Post
                I have no headache compiling it, mostly after getting an official snapshot that's SourceForge-hosted or likewise as much easier to integrate and cache here than using a Git snapshot -- and also needing an SVN snapshot as the data assets are in a separate SVN repo. If there is a Linux x86_64 binary though, all the better as then PTS users can avoid potentially needing various external dependencies for the devel packages to compile from source as most users likely don't have all the necessary dependencies installed by default and PTS can install them automatically but then I need to make sure they're available on the 12+ distributions of tier-one support.
                I see. Sorry for being so harsh earlier. My apologies.


                • geearf
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2011
                  • 2154

                  Originally posted by samuncle View Post
                  Hi I'm samuncle one of the main dev from the supertuxkart team

                  I wanted to add some precisions. Like we said in our original blog post not all tracks are converted and you tested only "old tracks" that where minimaly ported to the new engine. To test the new engine in all it's glory you should try the track Gran Paradiso Island or Cocoa Temple. These are using the new engine.

                  This is a screenshot directly taken ingame

                  You can unlock them by playing the story mode or by editing the file players.xml and replacing all solved="none" by solved="hard" (see this to locate your players.xml

                  Have a nice race

                  I've just done a quick test on a R280x with latest stable mesa (ie 10.4), and things work ok till I turn on Dynamic Lights.
                  Then whatever is dynamic is just black...
                  Not sure where the issue comes from though.

                  There are many errors in the terminal:
                  [warn ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 2: X Error: GLXBadFBConfig

                  [warn ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 2: From call : unknown

                  [warn ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 3: Vertex shader compilation failed at position -1:

                  [warn ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 3: Pixel shader compilation failed at position -1:

                  [warn ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 3: Vertex shader compilation failed at position -1:

                  [warn ] [IrrDriver Temp Logger]: Level 3: Pixel shader compilation failed at position -1:

                  [warn ] Graphics: Can not find version for '3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 10.4.0' 'Gallium 0.4 on AMD TAHITI' - ignored.
                  [error ] Kart_Model: Missing wheel information 'front-left' for model 'sara the racer.b3d'.
                  [error ] Kart_Model: This can be ignored, but the wheels will not rotate.
                  [error ] material: Cannot find texture 'motif.png'.
                  [error ] material: Cannot find texture 'shoes_gloves.png'.
                  [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116

                  [warn ] MusicOgg: Music not playing when it should be. Source state: 4116

                  [warn ] LayoutManager: Statically sized widgets took all the place!!
                  [error ] Irrlicht: Could not load texture: /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/
                  [error ] irr_driver: Texture '/usr/share/supertuxkart/data/' not found.
                  [error ] icon_button: add() : error, cannot find texture ''.
                  [error ] material: Cannot find texture 'stktex_fern_diff_a.png'.
                  [error ] material: Cannot find texture 'stktex_tropicalPlant_a.png'.
                  [error ] material: Cannot find texture 'stktex_redFlower_a.png'.
                  [error ] material: Cannot find texture 'stktex_greenBrush_a.png'.
                  [error ] GLWrap: Error in shader /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/shaders/shadow.vert
                  [error ] GLWrap: 0:90(2): error: `gl_Layer' undeclared
                  0:90(2): error: value of type int cannot be assigned to variable of type error
                  0:92(39): error: `gl_Layer' undeclared
                  [error ] GLWrapp: Error when linking these shaders :
                  [error ] GLWrapp: /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/shaders/shadow.vert
                  [error ] GLWrapp: /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/shaders/shadow.frag
                  [error ] GLWrapp: error: linking with uncompiled shader
                  [info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/shaders/shadow.vert
                  [error ] GLWrap: Error in shader /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/shaders/shadow.vert
                  [error ] GLWrap: 0:90(2): error: `gl_Layer' undeclared
                  0:90(2): error: value of type int cannot be assigned to variable of type error
                  0:92(39): error: `gl_Layer' undeclared

                  [info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/shaders/shadowref.frag
                  [error ] GLWrapp: Error when linking these shaders :
                  [error ] GLWrapp: /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/shaders/shadow.vert
                  [error ] GLWrapp: /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/shaders/shadowref.frag
                  [error ] GLWrapp: error: linking with uncompiled shader
                  [info ] GLWrap: Compiling shader : /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/shaders/shadow_grass.vert
                  [error ] GLWrap: Error in shader /usr/share/supertuxkart/data/shaders/shadow_grass.vert
                  [error ] GLWrap: 0:93(2): error: `gl_Layer' undeclared
                  0:93(2): error: value of type int cannot be assigned to variable of type error
                  0:95(39): error: `gl_Layer' undeclared
                  I looked into the missing png files, but they are installed, so not sure, maybe installed to the wrong place?


                  • dungeon
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 7915

                    For me everything is broken in some way on both linux with radeon or fglrx drivers. And on Windows too

                    I don't wanna fill 30 bugs about that, it is alpha software and developers should know that
                    Last edited by dungeon; 18 December 2014, 05:33 AM.


                    • Serafean
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 614

                      Originally posted by bms20 View Post
                      I am very sorry - I did not mean to crash your system.

                      I tried it on baytrail and ivybridge and it just took forever to load.
                      Hanged my intel windows machine too, no idea which gen it is.
                      Works fine on r600g...

