Originally posted by Vim_User
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A New Open-Source Game Engine Being Released
Originally posted by IanS View PostYa, that stuff with Google is messed up, but also falls into what I meant by any licenses working for apps as long as the license choice work for the devs and their customers/users. Google's policies and activities are at odds with my privacy and beliefs so I choose to use their services and products as little as possible. A lot of people just don't care so they get away with it, and that is their choice just as it is my choice to avoid the mobile space and use Firefox as you do so I can use the extensions I both want and need. If Google are fine with shooting themselves in the foot and their customers keep allowing their rights to be eroded away, I am fine with that as long as I have viable alternatives. Most of my software choices tend to be open source, but I don't automatically discount a package just because it is closed source (even if I do turn most of it down, most of the time). Games are one of the main exceptions, where most of the games I have are purchased close source products.
Originally posted by Vim_User View PostFor real, guys? Someone releases a high class game engine under a perfectly fine open source engine and all some here have to do is to complain about it not being (L)GPL?
Originally posted by IanS View PostNo, it says that you must allow a minimum of 5 installs; there is no upper limit. MS are actually making sure that their customers can have their purchased apps on a reasonable minimum number of devices without facing extra charges or penalties. Not that I care for MS or have any plans of using any of their products, but that agreement is actually rather decent over all, even going as far as making special exceptions from some of the rules for FOSS software.
Originally posted by Apopas View PostWhat is the toolkit?
The toolkit is more simlar to an OS toolkit than a game toolkit. It's very much like Qt and it's really, really powerful, supporting all sorts of controls, anchors and containers. Of course it also has a set of simplified controls for games.
It was complex initially because it was designed for an MMO, and was later used for audio applications, but then something interesting happened. That is, that having a complex toolkit integrated to the engine allowed teams to create content generation tools much more efficiently, while reusing game code.
For example, if you were using Unreal or Unity and wanted to make a complex map editor, with sections, event lists, dialogs, battle setup code, etc, the UI toolkits are much more basic, so it would be a lot more work. You could use Qt or another, better toolkit, but then you don't have access to engine datatypes and serialization code. In Godot, the toolkit is as optimal as using Qt or any modern toolkit, so making tools that use the same game datatypes and edits them is really easy and quick.
Here's a list of many UI toolkit nodes:
Originally posted by Kristian Joensen View PostHow "noob" friendly is the level editor and what other kinds of editors are there(music, animation, scripting, physics, etc)?
1) Programmers, of course.
2) Animators to create really complex cut-out animation and UI Animations
3) Level designers to create levels
4) Game designers to adjust values of exported properties in nodes
5) Graphic designers to create user interfaces
So, it's really tested.
Adding music is just adding a StreamPlayer node to the scene and referencing a .ogg file.
Physics is just adding a RigidBody or StaticBody to the scene, and some collision shapes to it
Scripting is just a matter of selecting a node and pressing the script button, that creates a new one.
Here's screenshots of the 2D editor editing different types of scenes and nodes.
This is a complex 2D cutout animation rig:
This is a tilemap:
This is a user interface:
Unlike other engines, Godot does not have special editing modes and screens. Everything is managed by plugins that know how to edit different types of nodes, so it's really easy to create custom editors and custom nodes using the plugin API.
For example, the 2D tile editor is a node of type TileMap, that stores and draws a tilemap. It is edited by another object, TileMapEditorPlugin, which becomes visible when a node of type TileMap is selected.
The animation player is a node of type AnimationPlayer, and the editor is a plugin, AnimationPlayerEditorPlugin.
This architecture allowed to extend and add plenty of features to the engine without bloat.Last edited by Juan Linietsky; 04 January 2014, 12:13 AM.