Native Port Of Dear Esther Now Available

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  • Linuxhippy
    Originally posted by Azultra View Post
    Did anyone manage to get it working with Mesa drivers?
    Nope, doesn't work with mesa 9.2 on intel either, same error.
    Please add a "me too" to the bug tracker:

    Thanks, Clemens

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  • Azultra
    Did anyone manage to get it working with Mesa drivers?

    With the latest r600g all I get is:

    $ ./dearesther_linux 
    SDL video target is 'x11'
    SDL video target is 'x11'
    SDL video target is 'x11'
    X Error of failed request:  GLXBadFBConfig
      Major opcode of failed request:  154 (GLX)
      Minor opcode of failed request:  34 ()
      Serial number of failed request:  175
      Current serial number in output stream:  174
    I tried to replace by a nightly build and same error.

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  • Thetargos
    I like the idea behind this "game", feels a bit more like an adventure game, but I do miss a bit the puzzle-solving elements and "interactivity". The way I see this game is more of an atmosphere driven story-telling "interactive" novel, in that you have to explore and get down to the atmosphere of each location. I am really happy it got ported, but coming from games like Penumbra series Overture, Black Plague, Requiem and then Amnesia, it does lack a bit in terms of interactivity. Despite that, I bought it twice (once on a sale on Steam and then with HIB8). I don't care what some players say, I like it, even with its shortcomings. If you get bored with these kind of games, then it is clearly not for you, as simple as that.

    I ran the CxO version, which ran amazingly well on my hardware, and the I do notice the native version to be a bit more fluent in the graphics dept, allowing me to run at full resolution (1080p) with 4xAA/16xAF (Gf 9800GT) on Fedora 18 x86_64. Kudos to Icculus!!

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  • Linuxhippy

    Being someone how doesn't really appriciate first person shooters or 2d jump&runs, I am really happy to see dear esther was natively ported to Linux.
    Bought the humble bundle 8 because of dear esther and oil rush (however currently don't work with the open-source intel drivers... ).

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  • smitty3268
    Originally posted by grenadecx View Post
    At the very best, Dear Esther is a graphical novel with a great story and beautiful artwork. But that's it.
    It has no interactivity what so ever, unless you count pressing the W key to walk around.
    Does that mean pong isn't a game either, because all you do is press up/down to move around a little bar?

    I think what you really mean is, that there isn't any way of "winning" or "losing" Dear Esther, you simply experience it. In that way, i'd agree it is more like a book than a game.

    I'm not sure why that means it shouldn't be brought to linux, though.
    Last edited by smitty3268; 13 June 2013, 12:05 AM.

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  • grenadecx
    Originally posted by philip550c View Post
    Just cause its not a traditional game doesn't mean no one wants this. I have been waiting for a long time to play this natively.
    At the very best, Dear Esther is a graphical novel with a great story and beautiful artwork. But that's it.
    It has no interactivity what so ever, unless you count pressing the W key to walk around.

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  • yogi_berra
    Originally posted by grenadecx View Post
    Dear Esther is not a game. Seriously, who cares about this port? What does it bring the Linux users?
    Not a fan of existentialism?

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  • Bucic
    Originally posted by grenadecx View Post
    Dear Esther is not a game.
    Originally posted by gbudny View Post
    You can say the same thing about Limbo, because that game wasn't interesting,
    OK, who has something more stupid to say? Just say it and let us be done with it on the first topic page.

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  • gbudny
    Originally posted by grenadecx View Post
    Dear Esther is not a game. Seriously, who cares about this port? What does it bring the Linux users?
    You can say the same thing about Limbo, because that game wasn't interesting, but very controversial among Linux users. Unfortunately Limbo isn't available for Linux, so I had to play in this game on Mac OS X.

    Seriously, people shouldn't spend the money on games ported by Transgaming or CodeWeavers to Linux/Mac OS X, because these companies they always created trash instead a great games for alternative operating systems.

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  • philip550c
    Originally posted by grenadecx View Post
    Dear Esther is not a game. Seriously, who cares about this port? What does it bring the Linux users?

    However, I do look forward "Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs" made by the very same studio at Frictional Games request.
    Just cause its not a traditional game doesn't mean no one wants this. I have been waiting for a long time to play this natively.

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