id Software's Main Linux Game Developer Resigns

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  • jltyper
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 46

    I don't really see the connection. Two wiki links doesn't prove anything is impossible.


    • squirrl
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2009
      • 349

      id tech 5 vs id tech 4

      We don't need it.


      • mether
        Fedora Contributor
        • Oct 2009
        • 2517

        Originally posted by squirrl View Post
        That's wrong in so many levels.

        1) You need to play the game to actually see the difference. One screenshot doesn't prove anything
        2) Independent game experts and reviews have always said good things about the game technology if even they don't like other aspects
        3) Carmack is involved with the game engine and not the artwork. So blaming him is just stupid

        I could go on but this is enough for now.


        • jltyper
          Junior Member
          • Dec 2011
          • 46

          Originally posted by squirrl View Post
          John Carmack reverses the game industry.
          YOU reverse humanity. What we really don't need is you.


          • b15hop
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2007
            • 447

            Originally posted by RahulSundaram View Post
            That's wrong in so many levels.

            1) You need to play the game to actually see the difference. One screenshot doesn't prove anything
            2) Independent game experts and reviews have always said good things about the game technology if even they don't like other aspects
            3) Carmack is involved with the game engine and not the artwork. So blaming him is just stupid

            I could go on but this is enough for now.
            I don't understand why we don't have the UT3 engine on Linux either. Apparently they will be making a HTML5 / WebGL version but yet no Linux client... Ah well...
            I honestly can't wait for the Linux port of Rage!
            All the best to Tim and his future in (Linux) game development.


            • Kano
              Kanotix Developer
              • Aug 2007
              • 7925

              In theory ut3 and rage are supported via wine. the difference however is that ut3 is awfully slow due to the conversation from d3d to opengl. for rage the 3d rendering is 1:1 mapped and therefore MUCH faster. opengl games via wine vs native is no huge speed diff and you even gain the feature to press alt+tab which is often not possible with pure sdl ports. so you can play it, dont worry. It would be much worse when id software would produce d3d only games.


              • b15hop
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2007
                • 447

                Originally posted by Kano View Post
                In theory ut3 and rage are supported via wine. the difference however is that ut3 is awfully slow due to the conversation from d3d to opengl. for rage the 3d rendering is 1:1 mapped and therefore MUCH faster. opengl games via wine vs native is no huge speed diff and you even gain the feature to press alt+tab which is often not possible with pure sdl ports. so you can play it, dont worry. It would be much worse when id software would produce d3d only games.
                Possibly id of today is very different to id of 10 years ago. That would explain why they might shift to Direct3D. If UT3 was OpenGL and Direct3D it would be a good means to test the differences in rendering systems.

                I'm all for native over wine. Wine to me defeats some of the purpose of using Linux.


                • yogi_berra
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 936

                  Originally posted by b15hop View Post
                  I don't understand why we don't have the UT3 engine on Linux either.
                  Licensing issues.

                  I honestly can't wait for the Linux port of Rage!
                  Don't hold your breath.

                  All the best to Tim and his future in (Linux) game development.
                  His blog post says nothing about Linux.


                  • squirrl
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 349

                    Originally posted by Qaridarium
                    they drop bump-mapping because: stereoscopic view techniques are incompatible with bump-mapping only Tessellation works with stereoscopic view!

                    so yes this is bad for all non stereoscopic view gamers.
                    Pointless, the gamebryo engine looks worlds better than this idtech version.

                    GAMEBRYO :

                    GAMEBRYO :

                    IDTECH5 :

                    POLYGONS VS TEXTURES. Really? Really, ID... this is so 1990's man!
                    If I want textures I'll go play Doom.

           What we were promised!


                    • squirrl
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 349


                      There are no excuses for this lapse of quality. The point here is this man, Carmack, was going on and on about huge textures. Nobody has cared about textures since height maps were all the rage, no pun intended. In all seriousness, Doom 3 was a better game. This pile is already in the budget rack at most retailers. UT3 is what we need. Look at Arkam Asylum, Arkam city, and the whole slew of other franchises using this tech from UT3.

                      Id is a washed up metal band from the 80's that has failed to reinvent itself, lost it's talent at every turn and can no longer play the tune that found the fame before.

                      FaIL Barn! Failed and finished. 1/2 out of 5 stars for excellent 80's textures.


