Phoronix: UT3 For Linux Is Laid To Rest By Epic's Mark Rein
Back in May we reported that Epic Games finally admitted that UT3 for Linux would likely never materialize. This first person shooter was released back in 2007 and was supposed to have a Linux client that was to be ported by Ryan "Icculus" Gordon. He was working on this Linux client as recent as last year, but it never was released and no other information was provided by Epic Games, Ryan, or other sources. In May we heard from Epic's Steve Polge that the Linux client would likely never materialize. Today we have been passed along a note from Mark Rein, the VP of Epic Games and creator of the Unreal Engine...
Back in May we reported that Epic Games finally admitted that UT3 for Linux would likely never materialize. This first person shooter was released back in 2007 and was supposed to have a Linux client that was to be ported by Ryan "Icculus" Gordon. He was working on this Linux client as recent as last year, but it never was released and no other information was provided by Epic Games, Ryan, or other sources. In May we heard from Epic's Steve Polge that the Linux client would likely never materialize. Today we have been passed along a note from Mark Rein, the VP of Epic Games and creator of the Unreal Engine...