Phoronix: Box64 v0.3.2 Emulator Adds Box32 Option, Introduces Native Flags & More
Box64 v0.3.2 is out today as the newest feature release to this Linux user-space emulator for allowing x86_64 binaries to run on ARM64 (AArch64) Linux devices. Box64 is one of the leading ways for allowing x86_64 games and Steam to be able to run on ARM 64-bit Linux devices...
Box64 v0.3.2 is out today as the newest feature release to this Linux user-space emulator for allowing x86_64 binaries to run on ARM64 (AArch64) Linux devices. Box64 is one of the leading ways for allowing x86_64 games and Steam to be able to run on ARM 64-bit Linux devices...