Originally posted by avis
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2. Let's think of a other market comparison let's say Walmart vs a small store in the Area or "market" to use the old metaphor, usually the big corporation that bribes the government or corrupts them can crush this small stores and they get smaller and have less and less market share, and if they build 10% more stores the small stores closes some of there's here it's the opposite if Walmart opens 10% more this small stores (Linux) opens up also 10% more stores successfully and not only locally but worldwide.
I think that is a success, meanwhile this Walmart has other competitions like Aldi (Playstation) yet this Walmart also bought now big food producing companies and they would earn more if they also sell this products to as much stores as possible, so even selling them to the small stores would earn maybe eventually Wallmart more than trying to crush them.
I am not worried, things take a while AMD needed 10-15 years to get the ATI drivers in a good state not even close to perfect

Also I think the real opportunity to gain Market share is with new Windows Releases, Windows 11 came out 2021 there was no steamdeck at least available, and even if it would been announced nobody knew prices and if it had not proven that it works / is great, also of course it's by very few used as all-purpose PC but more a appliance not even as gaming pc only... so we will need a mix of extending the use cases like VR is in the making and maybe get some other form factors, maybe steam deck Notebooks...
It takes a while, now I personally use also Linux on my gaming PC that uses a rx 5600xt but I thought about not upgrade it, at all, currently the hardwareprices even used are to high for me and the question becomes does it make sense to upgrade both systems in the future. So with a normal user using Windows on that machine they might have the same question.
But again most people don't "change a running system" but do or buy different decisions they already made when it's time to replace the Os or PC. Now because there are no Steam Deck Laptops preinstalled, there will not be soon a growth to 20% still having to manually install it, is a huge burden, but could it come to 4% steam deck numbers by some users install it, sure.
Also I suspect because mostly high Chinese Numbers hurt the Linux numbers always, in the West so locally it already grows and not only the world wide numbers matter but if it can grow in certain countries it proofs that it can grow everywhere.
And there is also a concept of leading markets if as example in the US certain trends happen often months or years later you see in other markets similar trends and I wouldn't call China as a leading market, MS might have high market share in China, but how much of the licenses are bought and how much do they pay on average per license 2 dollar? So it's not a very profitable / valuable market share.