Originally posted by rabcor
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Valve Releases Half-Life 2 20th Anniversary Update
Originally posted by rabcor View PostHalf Life 3 when?
Originally posted by varikonniemi View Post
Why not allow offline play? It's a disease of the ages and even valve is infected.
When steam came out everyone had a shitfit over how it was DRM. The only reason people use Steam at all is because Valve made it mandatory to play Half Life 2. Even if you bought a "physical copy" in a store, those 4 CDs were useless frisbees unless you installed steam and let it call home.
Awesome! More studios should do this.
Originally posted by Developer12 View Post
Not enough gets said about this these days. When HL2 came out it was a big deal that the only way to play it was putting up with DRM. (Except on consoles like the 360, though I could be wrong?) If you bought a boxed copy, all those CDs it came with were useless frisbees without an internet connection and a copy of steam.
VALVe have made some vague references to an "emergency plan" or "contingency" to enable.........something, who knows what. If the company suddenly died overnight I doubt you'd be able to install the games anymore like you can with a downloaded GOG archive, and considering the shitpile that is Steam's "offline mode" I doubt you'd be able to play most of the already-installed ones for very long either.
If we're honest, all those mumblings were a total fairytale being spun by VALVe to mollify steam buyers and keep them buying, without worrying about whether there was an end-of-life plan.
You're right initially the CDs made the downloads smaller but it became useless after the first few updates.
Originally posted by Kiba-kun View Post
I'm not sure if this is true for HL2 multiplayer even when on LAN. It's still cool to be able to play it if Valve servers vanish but you will still miss some features.
If you're someone like me who enjoys half-life co-op then it's a showstopper. I'm sure it's fine for most people though. I actually played it earlier this year with some kids. I just had to show them half-life and playing on their own would have been too difficult or boring for most of this specific group (GenZ / GenAlpha).
Originally posted by QwertyChouskie View Post
Supposedly, there's something relates to half-life currently in development.Might be HL3, might be a sequel to HL:Alyx, who knows. Honestly, I'm more hoping for a new official Portal game, but sadly there doesn't seem to be any publicly-visible movement in that regard. I guess the upcoming Portal: Desolation fan game will have to fill in, though that is also a ways out. AHHHH I JUST WANT GAME but I know they need time to cook but AHHHH I JUST WANT GAME
Originally posted by Kiba-kun View Post
Originally posted by chithanh View Post"I thought for a whole five minutes about it, and could not come up with a solution for this problem, so it won't ever happen!"
C'mon, it is not that hard to imagine how Valve's provisions look like.
There is nothing stopping Valve from releasing a Steam client which does not require connection to Steam servers. In fact this is how in case of bankruptcy, Valve could ensure that people can still play their games.
Then additionally set aside funds for prepaid hosting of the game files for one year and traffic costs for (game size * number of owners), and everyone is covered with all their games.