Valve Engineer Fixes Massive Performance Issue For RADV Driver With AMD FSR2

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  • ahrs
    Originally posted by varikonniemi View Post
    it's amazing AMD has a driver team that is writing their proprietary driver, that does not communicate with the team that writes the open driver, which has to reverse engineer and find out all the things themselves.

    Seems like it can only stem from something like paranoid separation of proprietary information between closed and open drivers, extending so far that not even basic hints at what is the problem don't transfer over.
    Maybe they just forgot, or didn't think it worthwhile to mention. We're potentially talking about two completely different teams of developers, miscommunication or no communication at all may happen at times, even so they are still leaps and bounds better than Nvidia, there you can be sure there will be little to no communication between them and Nouveau (except the bare minimum to make sure the graphical session can run so you can install "the real driver"). Nvidia's got their driver and Mesa has theirs.

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  • blackshard
    Originally posted by varikonniemi View Post
    it's amazing AMD has a driver team that is writing their proprietary driver, that does not communicate with the team that writes the open driver, which has to reverse engineer and find out all the things themselves.

    Seems like it can only stem from something like paranoid separation of proprietary information between closed and open drivers, extending so far that not even basic hints at what is the problem don't transfer over.
    It's amazing that this just plain wrong. We're talking of a buggy behaviour in a niche case (RDNA2 + FSR2 on RADV)

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  • varikonniemi
    it's amazing AMD has a driver team that is writing their proprietary driver, that does not communicate with the team that writes the open driver, which has to reverse engineer and find out all the things themselves.

    Seems like it can only stem from something like paranoid separation of proprietary information between closed and open drivers, extending so far that not even basic hints at what is the problem don't transfer over.

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  • skeevy420
    Will this help in games that have the option to use FSR2 for AA without upscaling, when setting it to Native instead of Quality or Performance?

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  • dimko
    cant help but wonder if FSR3 will benefit in any way, i doubt it, but i can dream, right?

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  • Valve Engineer Fixes Massive Performance Issue For RADV Driver With AMD FSR2

    Phoronix: Valve Engineer Fixes Massive Performance Issue For RADV Driver With AMD FSR2

    With the upcoming Mesa 24.3 release there is a huge improvement coming for those using the RADV Radeon Vulkan driver with games leveraging AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2...

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