Apple Silicon On Linux Now More Capable For Gaming With Latest Mesa + Steam On FEX

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  • dadregga
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2024
    • 9

    Originally posted by sophisticles View Post
    Fine, I will be the guy that says it: these people need to shift gears and stop trying to bring Linux to the Mac.

    They come off as the same type of people that squat in other people's property and refuse to leave, it's a trespass mentality, like they are doing it out of spite,

    What they should be doing is working on getting Linux to run perfectly on Qualcomm's Snapdragon, because honestly, if one wants Linux on ARM for the desktop, Qualcomm is where it's at.

    Unlike Apple, Qualcomm is also actively working on bringing an ARM optimized GLIBC and since Qualcomm is actively supporting the effort, maybe the Asahi team could secure official sponsorship for an Asahi on Snapdragon distro.

    That to me is the better play than this nonsense.
    Apple's chip designs are, in general, better. And as we've seen, perfectly usable for Linux even without corporate partnerships. Linux typically doesn't need to ask permission to run on hardware, and historically, it's been quite the opposite.

    Linux has been an "uninvited guest" on nearly every single major platform it gained popularity on.


    • t.s.
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2007
      • 548

      Originally posted by V1tol View Post

      About SSDs - what horrible things you should do to them so they will be on their way to death? I have my first SSD - Intel 320 with 64 GB bought in 2013 still usable today. Heck, none of my SSD I bought in last 10 years died. Probably because I never bought cheap ones like OCZ or whatever. My friend still rocking 2015 MacBook Pro, changed two batteries there but SSD is still in good condition.
      I buy and sell SSD, NVME. Have 2 samsung that dead after weeks I bought them. Encountering, replacing read-only SSD, or SSD that health below 50%. You're just lucky.


      • t.s.
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2007
        • 548

        Originally posted by Alexmitter View Post

        The "fancy" "revolutionary" Unified RAM is simple off the shelf RAM soldered directly on the PCB where the CPU die is bonded to. Nothing special, just shorter wires between CPU and RAM which gives you a little more tight timing.
        OK. But, in context, who can help you upgrade those RAM? Sure that the reballing process will success almost every time they do it? Confident that Apple not locking the RAM size//etc as we learn that's what the did to their soldered NVME? And how can these reballing easier than attaching something like sodimm or camm2?


        • sophisticles
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2015
          • 2591

          Originally posted by oleid View Post
          Troube is: there is no hardware available with snapdragon & bright display (say: >= 600 nits without HDR). If you need this (i.e. if you work on a train), and want a reasonable resolution (resp. pixle density), there is little available except Apple -- sadly.
          Apple doesn't make Linux, Apple makes Mac OS.

          Thanks for reinforcing my point that adding Linux to a Mac is a waste.


          • oleid
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2007
            • 2509

            Originally posted by sophisticles View Post

            Apple doesn't make Linux, Apple makes Mac OS.

            Thanks for reinforcing my point that adding Linux to a Mac is a waste.
            I didn't reinforce your point. By your logic, one shouldn't support laptops which come with windows preinstalled. Which is most of them.
            Last edited by oleid; 12 October 2024, 12:11 PM. Reason: war -> id


            • Developer12
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2019
              • 1577

              Originally posted by t1r0nama View Post

              The MAIN thing that makes those chips that good is mac os. When you remove it from an equation and install linux you end up with crippled laptop that is barely usable and will never come close to mac os on that hardware. Many things will never work on them and apple may suddenly even block you from booting linux on their devices.
              Man, you have no goddamned clue what the fuck you're talking about. "Oh YeS mY oS mAkEs My CoMpUtEr FaStEr"


              • Developer12
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2019
                • 1577

                Originally posted by sophisticles View Post
                Fine, I will be the guy that says it: these people need to shift gears and stop trying to bring Linux to the Mac.

                They come off as the same type of people that squat in other people's property and refuse to leave, it's a trespass mentality, like they are doing it out of spite,

                What they should be doing is working on getting Linux to run perfectly on Qualcomm's Snapdragon, because honestly, if one wants Linux on ARM for the desktop, Qualcomm is where it's at.

                Unlike Apple, Qualcomm is also actively working on bringing an ARM optimized GLIBC and since Qualcomm is actively supporting the effort, maybe the Asahi team could secure official sponsorship for an Asahi on Snapdragon distro.

                That to me is the better play than this nonsense.
                Qualcomm laptops are garbage. The battery life is shit. The CPU is shit. The GPU is shit. Take your dumpster-fodder qcom laptop and go home.


                • ssokolow
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2013
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                  Originally posted by Developer12 View Post

                  Man, you have no goddamned clue what the fuck you're talking about. "Oh YeS mY oS mAkEs My CoMpUtEr FaStEr"
                  I think, in a twisted way, they're saying that Apple Silicon is fast because Apple has the power to push app developers to code their apps to take advantage of the on-die accelerators and Linux apps will just run on the regular CPU cores.


                  • robclark
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2011
                    • 564

                    Originally posted by Developer12 View Post

                    Qualcomm laptops are garbage. The battery life is shit. The CPU is shit. The GPU is shit. Take your dumpster-fodder qcom laptop and go home.
                    That's not been my experience.. comparing a few benchmarks that I could run on my yoga 7x (x1e-78, so not the fastest sku), it's still generally faster than the zen5 that phoronix posted, and more importantly for me, _much_ faster at compiling stuff, and should get better when LLCC and DDR scaling land. Battery life is decent, not _yet_ as good as windows (some things to sort out to hit the lowest power states.. but still quite good compared to my previous x86 laptops). Tests I've seen on windows still put it ahead of LL and much ahead of zen5.


                    • Developer12
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2019
                      • 1577

                      Originally posted by ssokolow View Post

                      I think, in a twisted way, they're saying that Apple Silicon is fast because Apple has the power to push app developers to code their apps to take advantage of the on-die accelerators and Linux apps will just run on the regular CPU cores.
                      No, I'm not, and you can't read.

                      The CPU is fast because the CPU is fast. The GPU is fast because the GPU is fast. It's that simple.

                      There's no special app code for accelerators, the GPU and CPU simply execute more instructions per second than any hardware qcom has ever built.

