Sounds promising, Id like to try out the beta if possible. May I have a beta key please?
No announcement yet.
Come Play This New Linux-Native Game With Us!
Hello all the first time posters, hehe.
This looks interesting, and considering some of my friends already play DoTA they'd probably be interested in it too. I've always been interested in S2 Games' games as they are a bit more original than some other mass produced RTSs out there, but not having enough friends interested in it I never really got a chance to play them properly. Hopefully this time it will be different And show off that I can game in Linux without using WINE and having crappy FPS.
I would very much enjoy a beta key to play S2's latest game. I am fairly active in the Wine community (I write the Wine newsletter) and my own experience in Linux gaming is 95% of the time through Wine. I have purchases Savage 2 and I play it sometimes (it takes all of my 2GB of ram to play though and causes some swapping which isn't cool...) but I do enjoy the game. Savage 2 is very innovative and I'd love the chance to take a sneak peak at S2's next game, especially with a native client!
I would like to request a beta key.
I used to play games under Wine, but after I while I got tired of the decreased performance and bugs. I haven't played a good game under Linux in a long time, hopefully this game will be a good hit that will bring back interest in gaming under Linux. UT3 was a major disappointment.
On another note, Linux Video drivers have to get better. Specially open-source 3D drivers, the road ahead is looking good, but we have to suffer for now. ATI 4000 series owners are suffering pretty bad. No open-source 3D yet, and the ATI catalysts are still not mature enough. Who knows when ATI will put more attention on the Desktop/Video/Gaming area and fix all the bugs and performance issues we suffer. I'm still waiting for the 9.7 to see what they bring, maybe 2.6.30 kernel support, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
More keys sent out... Note to all who haven't requested yet: as long as there is a Linux user out there who wants beta access but doesn't have it, there is a key for you. As far as I know, and as what's been shown far, I can get as many keys as needed if you are interested in testing it out and run Linux. So there is no need to ask any questions about "still having keys", etc.
And if you need multiple keys for friends/family/whatever, make a separate post for each request, as it's easier to manage them that way.
Lastly, please try to refrain from the one-line requests... Try to add something to the conversation or your thoughts on Linux gaming, S2 Games, whatever. If all else fails, just tell us what your favorite beer is, but please try to contribute to the discussion.Michael Larabel
For there not being a whole lot of information about this game floating about, there seems to be quite a bit of hype around it (well maybe just in the Linux community).
I would be great to have some more quality games on Linux that aren't FPS. World of Goo was worth the cash, and it sounds like this might be too.
I would love a key if there are still any available.