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Fedora 39 To Raise Its vm.max_map_count To Satisfy Some Steam Play Games

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  • #11
    Originally posted by peppercats View Post
    They're using the same value Steam sets the default at on Steam Deck.
    There's really no downside to this, as programs that would use more memory under it simply wouldn't work without it.
    Even though the Steam Deck is a glorified handheld PC it's marketed as a gaming piece of hardware, so Valve will set the variables that will benefit gaming while Fedora is used for multiple reasons (which is to say, the distro is used in a variety of settings).
    Fedora had to lower the value because it had disturbances on other applications (which comes back to my point of feeling like beta testers for the next release).
    I am not defending or arguing against it, just bringing an opinion based on a theoretical consequence for their actions (I could be totally wrong).


    • #12
      Originally posted by sophisticles View Post
      Another option is to play Windows games on, oh I don't know, Windows, maybe?

      Yes, I know some games will play fine under Linux with WINE, but many don't and if you are into Windows games either buy an XBOX or run a dual boot like i do.
      Most of the games play fine under Linux and keeping windows around is not an option for many people. Furthermore, I don't like trashing my system with dozens of different libraries, registry entries and any other trash I can't easily track. By using Steam and Proton I know exactly when game, libraries and files go, so I can delete them easily. Windows crawls after some time and this is another reason I'm doing dual booting anymore. I don't have a patience for it.
      Last edited by Volta; 01 June 2023, 07:25 AM.


      • #13
        Originally posted by theriddick View Post
        Star Citizen and some mods like RogueTech certainly would hit this issue as they do a lot of things in the background.
        Another issue that nobody thinks about is swap file limits, or lack of.

        Lots of my games will eat a certain high value swap size and if it can't get it, they cause the system to break. I run a 40gb swap file because Linux doesn't do dynamic swap.
        You should try swapspace even systemd-swap maintainer suggest it's better.


        • #14
          Originally posted by pieman View Post
          NO. You can play with Windows, but I'm sticking to Linux and gaming on it instead. If the game doesn't work, there are other games. I'm done with toying with Windows. I like Linux. I prefer Linux, I am going to game on Linux. I'd rather spend the time with wine and proton, than deal with Windows.
          This guy knows what he's talking about. I also game in Linux and enjoy the amazing stability versus my previous life with Windoze^%&^%$#@. It's the same reason why Mac people (which is also a UNIX like system) can't stand the BS from Bill.


          • #15
            To the people that hated my suggestion about playing games on Windows and claim that you can play Windows games on Linux "just fine"m I defy you to play any of the Resident Evil games on Linux, except for RE4 Remake, which does run under Proton.

            All the rest of them do not run.

            Same thing with a lot of games,

            If course, I still think that the best option for gaming is a console, buy an XBOX, hook it up to a 50 inch TV and enjoy.


            • #16
              Originally posted by sophisticles View Post
              To the people that hated my suggestion about playing games on Windows and claim that you can play Windows games on Linux "just fine"m I defy you to play any of the Resident Evil games on Linux, except for RE4 Remake, which does run under Proton.

              All the rest of them do not run.

              Same thing with a lot of games,

              If course, I still think that the best option for gaming is a console, buy an XBOX, hook it up to a 50 inch TV and enjoy.
              I played RE7 biohazard just fine.


              • #17
                Originally posted by sophisticles View Post
                To the people that hated my suggestion about playing games on Windows and claim that you can play Windows games on Linux "just fine"m I defy you to play any of the Resident Evil games on Linux, except for RE4 Remake, which does run under Proton.

                All the rest of them do not run.

                Same thing with a lot of games,

                If course, I still think that the best option for gaming is a console, buy an XBOX, hook it up to a 50 inch TV and enjoy.
                Why are you lying on Phoronix, XBOX fanboy?

                Here, take a look:

                Also, I have a Linux HTPC hooked up to my 4K TV, and I can play alot more games than you can on your locked-down XBOX, with any input device I prefer.

                But I guess a XBOX is just fine for a casual like you...


                • #18
                  Originally posted by jeisom View Post

                  I played RE7 biohazard just fine.
                  On Linux?

                  How did you install it? When I tried to install any of the RE's other than RE4 Remake, Steam said they were unsupported.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by Linuxxx View Post

                    Why are you lying on Phoronix, XBOX fanboy?

                    Here, take a look:

                    Also, I have a Linux HTPC hooked up to my 4K TV, and I can play alot more games than you can on your locked-down XBOX, with any input device I prefer.

                    But I guess a XBOX is just fine for a casual like you...
                    Did you bother to look at the comments?

                    Seems to be hit or miss.


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by sophisticles View Post

                      On Linux?

                      How did you install it? When I tried to install any of the RE's other than RE4 Remake, Steam said they were unsupported.
                      Just installed them in Steam. You may need to go into steam’s settings and set what to use as a compatible layer.

