CrossOver 19 Enters Beta With Better Microsoft Office Support On Linux

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  • birdie
    Originally posted by Jumbotron View Post
    Stop being a snowflake about the phrase "stuck with". I personally work with clients everyday who express displeasure with being "stuck" with Microsoft's Renting Software As A Service ("R" SaaS) in the form of Office 365 or having to buy a ridiculously priced stand alone version of Office 20xx for one computer and one computer only and GOD HELP YOU if your copy is corrupted or you need to reinstall and have forgotten your Microsoft Account password if you even knew you had an account at all. Almost EVERY time with helping my clients in their displeasure with being "stuck" with Office I'm downloading and installing for them a copy of LibreOffice as a backup along with fixing their issue with Office.
    Over my life I've managed over 200 workstations with MS Office and there's not been a single issue to talk about. And nothing prevents you from using MS Office 2007/2010 pretty much forever if you have one already bought if you don't want to pay for SaaS. In fact people report that even MS Office 2003 works just fine on Windows 10. There's too much drama here on Phoronix about any proprietary software as if Open Source is magically always better just because you can access the source code. This is just pure BS. Try fixing an error e.g. in LibreOffice which you've identified but the developers refuse to fix for various reasons, like they don't think it's important enough or they are busy fixing something else or adding new features. Good luck.

    And while we're here, there's still nothing close to Adobe Photoshop for Linux as well as other 300'000 applications and 50'000 games.

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  • Jumbotron
    Stop being a snowflake about the phrase "stuck with". I personally work with clients everyday who express displeasure with being "stuck" with Microsoft's Renting Software As A Service ("R" SaaS) in the form of Office 365 or having to buy a ridiculously priced stand alone version of Office 20xx for one computer and one computer only and GOD HELP YOU if your copy is corrupted or you need to reinstall and have forgotten your Microsoft Account password if you even knew you had an account at all. Almost EVERY time with helping my clients in their displeasure with being "stuck" with Office I'm downloading and installing for them a copy of LibreOffice as a backup along with fixing their issue with Office.

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  • Xaero_Vincent
    Originally posted by birdie View Post

    This doesn't sound impartial and unbiased. On the contrary it sounds caustic and almost insulting.

    There's nothing wrong with the MS Office Suite. It's a fine set of applications which work great.
    Nothing wrong with it unless you're a Linux user, where you'll have a fairly big problem.

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  • birdie
    a lot for those still stuck to using the Microsoft office suite
    This doesn't sound impartial and unbiased. On the contrary it sounds caustic and almost insulting.

    There's nothing wrong with the MS Office Suite. It's a fine set of applications which work great.

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  • CrossOver 19 Enters Beta With Better Microsoft Office Support On Linux

    Phoronix: CrossOver 19 Enters Beta With Better Microsoft Office Support On Linux

    CodeWeavers' Jeremy White has announced that CrossOver 19 is now in beta for existing customers of this Wine-based software for running Windows programs on Linux and macOS...

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