CrossOver 19 Enters Beta With Better Microsoft Office Support On Linux

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  • betam4x
    Senior Member
    • May 2019
    • 225

    FYI Photoshop, with a few workarounds, runs just fine on WINE. I've encountered no issues using it, but I don't use it for anything serious anymore. It's actually on the chopping block.


    • archsway
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2019
      • 233

      Originally posted by betam4x View Post

      Office 365 was also released standalone as Office 2019. Also, Office 365 is one of the best Office products, and value proposition out there, with up to 6 tb free per account of Microsoft OneDrive and a host of other features. Office basically is free when you look at it from that perspective, since you get all that cloud storage space.
      How much does Google pay Microsoft per terabyte they get?


      • betam4x
        Senior Member
        • May 2019
        • 225

        Originally posted by archsway View Post

        How much does Google pay Microsoft per terabyte they get?
        You are an idiot. Microsoft owns and operates their own cloud infrastructure. They also have a privacy policy for their business offerings.


        • Thunderbird
          • Aug 2006
          • 106

          Originally posted by betam4x View Post

          Yeah, having codeweavers at the helm is questionable to say the least. There are quite a few improvements in Crossover Office that don't make it upstream into WINE. Their current model is a conflict of interest: rather than giving the product away for free and selling support, they withhold features vital to the importance of the functionality of WINE. It's a shame as well, because they'd get a hell of a lot more ROI for support in this instance.
          As a long time Wine developer, I would like to share my view on this and no I'm not employed by Codeweavers. Codeweavers is doing a great job on Wine and I believe they have the best forward with Wine. It is correct that Crossover Office has changes, which are not in Wine. This is not so much, because they don't want them in Wine. Alexandre maintains very high code quaity standards for Wine. Any changes need to be done properly. A product like Crossover Office needs to ship at some point and hacky implementations or application specific hacks are sometimes needed. The source for the Wine build in Crossover Office is public and anyone can see the changes. Over time these improvements make it over to Wine in a "proper way", which is why Wine may lack support for certain apps. Though it can also lead Crossover Office. Generally speaking mainline Wine is also the development branch for Wine and used directly by Codeweavers.


          • rbmorse
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2007
            • 424

            Does Word 365 do #10 business envelopes, yet?


            • tinywrkb
              Junior Member
              • Oct 2018
              • 4

              I believe this update should also include font shaping improvements of Hebrew scripts in dwrite contributed by Nikolay Sivov of CodeWeavers which were added in Wine 4.1 or 4.2.
              With Office 2013 or newer shaping was pretty much broken before (anything older use usp10 and the native dll works with Wine) and now it can do even diacritics almost perfectly.
              Not sure what the state of shaping Arabic script but if you need it, are willing to test, capable of applying patches, compile Wine, or maybe you even own a CrossOver license then you should try reaching out to CodeWeavers, its developers are pretty friendly and helpful.


              • board
                Phoronix Member
                • Dec 2013
                • 79

                Originally posted by birdie View Post

                This doesn't sound impartial and unbiased. On the contrary it sounds caustic and almost insulting.

                There's nothing wrong with the MS Office Suite. It's a fine set of applications which work great.
                Licensing cost, cloud integration, forcing colleagues and other people you distribute docs to to use the same proprietary format.


                • timrichardson
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2010
                  • 295

                  It remains quite useful for me to have Office 2016 running on my linux desktop. It stopped working with Crossover 18.5, but my existing "bottle archive" works again with 19 beta.


                  • starshipeleven
                    Premium Supporter
                    • Dec 2015
                    • 14568

                    Originally posted by birdie View Post
                    There's nothing wrong with the MS Office Suite. It's a fine set of applications which work great.
                    This is complete bullshit, Word and Excel in Office 2016 are much worse than in 2013 or even earlier.
                    The fucking Outlook is a joke, the search function breaks every few months, and IT IS A BAD THING DAMNIT.

                    Over my life I've managed over 200 workstations with MS Office and there's not been a single issue to talk about.
                    those are rookie numbers

                    In fact people report that even MS Office 2003 works just fine on Windows 10.
                    this is a lie

                    There's too much drama here on Phoronix about any proprietary software as if Open Source is magically always better just because you can access the source code.
                    If you can't fix it yourself you can still hire someone to fix and contribute it.
                    Now try doing the same for closed source applications.
                    And don't tell me Office works great, a lot of those migrating from Office 2013 are slapping me on the phone because this and that is different or not as fast or can't find it anymore. IT IS A FUCKING OFFICE SUITE WHY YOU CHANGE THE INTERFACE EVERY RELEASE DAMNIT.

                    Every few months I get some poor sod that can't fucking search email in Outlook 2016 because it's broken.


                    • Vistaus
                      Senior Member
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 5112

                      Originally posted by betam4x View Post

                      Office 365 was also released standalone as Office 2019. Also, Office 365 is one of the best Office products, and value proposition out there, with up to 6 tb free per account of Microsoft OneDrive and a host of other features.
                      6 TB? I have a Office 365 subscription primarily for all of that OneDrive space, but I only have 1 TB. Still a great deal, though But an even better deal if Office 65 would be ported to Linux (or at least work fine under Wine - I don't want to pay even more money to get it to work under CrossOver).
                      Last edited by Vistaus; 19 November 2019, 01:07 PM.

