Wine Developers Appear Quite Apprehensive About Ubuntu's Plans To Drop 32-Bit Support

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  • gunterkoenigmann
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2019
    • 3

    Next questions: My printer and my scanners all use 32-bit plugins. Will they now get worthless?


    • leiptrstormr
      Junior Member
      • Oct 2014
      • 38

      Originally posted by Scellow View Post
      the people who refuse to drop 32bit support and move forward deserve to be left in the past with other dead projects
      Lennart Poettering makes an excellent point. Why support hardware older than a generation or two at all? It's not like you can play Fortnite on it.


      • sarmad
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2013
        • 1234

        The decision to drop 32bit is understandable. What's not understandable and not acceptable is giving the world 4 months notice only. Such a change should be announced at least a year in advance.


        • cute2dgirl
          Junior Member
          • May 2019
          • 41

          Originally posted by Kepsz View Post
          On ChakraOS, they dropped x86 support quite long ago.
          Eh, no. Chakra still has multilib. Just like any other sane distro has multilib.

          Dropping 32-bit install media still isn't the same as dropping all 32-bit packages, and the latter is what Ubuntu is doing.


          • Danielsan
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2017
            • 776

            Probably Ubuntu will provide wine 32bit libraries through snap...


            • Guest

              Originally posted by F.Ultra View Post
              The problem is that you need a 32-bit build environment in order to build those 32-bit multilibs and then the users also need to have 32-bit versions of all the dependencies to those libraries.
              I don't think you need a full 32-bit environment if you just cross-compile. Libraries will have 32-bit versions if multilib will remain.


              • ritalat
                Junior Member
                • Jan 2018
                • 2

                Originally posted by schmidtbag View Post
                Name 1 other open-source project in Ubuntu's repos that depends on 32-bit libraries. I'm well aware there are plenty of closed-source ones, but, many of them provide their own libraries. Case in point: Steam.
                Worst-case scenario, I'm sure some closed-source 32-bit programs could just use Flatpak.
                Yeah, can't wait to create personal use only flatpaks of my old games that are only on CD or from GOG because Canonical can't be arsed to maintain a few 32-bit system libraries. User friendliness is overrated anyway.

                At least Debian will probably keep 32-bit multilib for the foreseeable future. Hopefully.


                • gukin
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 224

                  There is something to be said about preserving history and, I'm sorry to say, closed source software is history that should probably be preserved. It's not like we can go to Monolith software and ask them to crank out a 64-bit version of No one lives forever, the operative, partly because Monolith is gone forever to the point that nobody can even figure out who owns the game. But more importantly, as Microsoft continues to constrict and restrict their OS running old windows software on Windows may become increasingly difficult, WINE may be the last hope for keeping old closed source titles alive.

                  I can see dropping 32-bit code once something similar to VICE (commodore 64 and friends emulator), fs-uae (amiga emulation), or DOSBOX allows these old titles to run but that's going to take some doing and some significantly more powerful hardware.

                  It's not just wine that needs a 32-bit build, it's mesa and all the supporting libraries. I don't run ubuntu but if I did I would be looking at alternatives,


                  • Xaero_Vincent
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2014
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                    Originally posted by F.Ultra View Post
                    Panick-mode can be enabled if Ubuntu heeds on anyway with this decision despite the backlash from Wine and/or Steam (AFAIK we have not heard from Valve regarding this yet).
                    Valve's Plagman has responded:

                    "Steam and thousands of its games rely on a 32-bit glibc from the host system, as well as OpenGL and Vulkan userland graphics driver libraries for Mesa and the NVIDIA driver. Steam as it currently exists will be broken on 19.10 unless more work is done on our end. That work seems tractable, but fairly involved; what's unfortunate is that it will take away resources that would otherwise be spent on improving performance and functionality."


                    • brad0
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2012
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                      Originally posted by DoMiNeLa10 View Post
                      I thought that this wouldn't be an issue considering that multilib exists. I understand that Canonical might not want to provide a 32-bit version of their distro, but with so much proprietary software around, not providing multilib is just shooting yourself in the foot. I'm assuming someone is prematurely panicking here.
                      The software is shooting itself in the foot. It's like people complaining about Flash. You've had such a ridiculous amount of time to move content over but sat on your butt. The only one to blame is the authors of the software / content.

