1080p Linux Gaming Performance - NVIDIA 415.22 vs. Mesa 19.0-devel RADV/RadeonSI

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67349

    1080p Linux Gaming Performance - NVIDIA 415.22 vs. Mesa 19.0-devel RADV/RadeonSI

    Phoronix: 1080p Linux Gaming Performance - NVIDIA 415.22 vs. Mesa 19.0-devel RADV/RadeonSI

    Stemming from the recent Radeon RX 590 Linux gaming benchmarks were some requests to see more 1080p gaming benchmarks, so here's that article with the low to medium tier graphics cards from the NVIDIA GeForce and AMD Radeon line-up while using the latest graphics drivers on Ubuntu 18.10.

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • tildearrow
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2016
    • 7097


    Originally posted by phoronix View Post
    Thrones of Britanna with extreme quality settings at 1080p


    • Pentarctagon
      Phoronix Member
      • Jan 2017
      • 58

      Interesting that the 1070/ti have a noticeable improvement over the others even at 1080p while the others are mostly even. If I were looking for a new GPU, that would be more useful info than how they perform at resolutions I don't have.


      • HoermI
        Junior Member
        • Mar 2018
        • 9

        Interesting to see where RADV / RadeonSI are (mostly) CPU limited and where GPU limited.
        Last edited by HoermI; 16 December 2018, 02:17 PM.


        • skeevy420
          Senior Member
          • May 2017
          • 8647

          It's actually nice to know that we really only need midrange gear for decent HD gaming and gone are the days of needing ridiculously expensive gear to play games at 1080p/60. I can't wait for FreeSync support to take advantage of all the extra frames.

          Seems like we really only need Vega XX and 1070+ for ultra-wide 1080p and 16:9 1440p; with the 1080/ti being useful for up to 21:9 1440p gaming.

          4K...IMHO, just too hard to justify for maybe 60fps even though one has the most expensive stuff on the market.


          • shmerl
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2009
            • 3510

            Why no Vega 56 in the comparison?


            • skeevy420
              Senior Member
              • May 2017
              • 8647

              Originally posted by shmerl View Post
              Why no Vega 56 in the comparison?
              To wager a guess, because the 580/590 do 1080p60+ most of the time making the Vega 56 more of a specialty card for 1080p/120 with FreeSync or for 2K at the 60fps standard.

              I would have liked to have seen the RX 560 and the 4 & 8 gb 570s thrown in for The Battle of the Budget.


              • shmerl
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2009
                • 3510

                Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post

                To wager a guess, because the 580/590 do 1080p60+ most of the time making the Vega 56 more of a specialty card for 1080p/120 with FreeSync or for 2K at the 60fps standard.
                Only using Vega 56 (Sapphire Pulse in my case), I was able to get stable 60+ fps in The Witcher 3 (Wine+dxvk) at 1920x1200 even in crowded areas on max settings, hairworks off. Polaris is just not enough to reach it. May be it's one of the most demanding examples, but still. Even AMD themselves position Vega 56 as comparable to GTX 1070, and the later is in the test.
                Last edited by shmerl; 16 December 2018, 03:05 PM.


                • gsedej
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 163

                  I did not know 1070ti is not enough for 1080p linux gaming... at least according to the article isnt.


                  • clapbr
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2018
                    • 143

                    Overall terrible results for everything, sad to have gone with rx580 instead of the 1060/1070. Oh and fuck the open drivers, theyre still crap even when comparing with nvidias blob, except for maybe slightly less bugs on desktop (specially kde). At least with my gtx960 I could use 75hz without resorting to ugly workarounds like locking mclk. It also ran at fewer fps but it didnt have mysterious stutters everywhere. Some games run at high fps's but the constant stutters even with LOTS of available resources (6 cores, 10-15% cpu usage, 30-50% gpu usage, 12gb of free RAM) makes me really annoyed. And I'm talking about native games, not wine.

