TUXEDO Computers Relicenses Some Of Their Drivers To GPLv2

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  • Gamer1227
    Phoronix Member
    • Mar 2024
    • 68

    Originally posted by ALRBP View Post

    So we are doomed !
    Everyone switch to Redox OS ! (MIT, basically no license is more compatible)
    i gues there are not a lot of Tuxedo contributors outside of the company, not a big deal.


    • anda_skoa
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2013
      • 1199

      Originally posted by npwx View Post
      I don't understand why they ever hatched this idiotic plan instead of just submitting upstream.
      Simply a matter of time frames.

      Out of tree drivers allow them to ship hardware with full support even when the latest kernel merge window has already been closed and the next one has not opened yet.

      The only other option would be to have a full fork of the kernel and only support their own distribution which would then ship this kernel.
      Out of tree with DKMS allows them to also support standard distributions like Ubuntu or Fedora.

      However, they can certainly improve their upstreaming process and try to get as much into each merge window as possible and only carry things out of tree that didn't make it or aren't compatible yet with the versions major distributions ship with.


      • varikonniemi
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2012
        • 1102

        Originally posted by sophisticles View Post

        He's talking about Matt Gaetz being nominated for AG and report that was due to be released yesterday with some serious allegations.
        I know, exactly same kind of made up shit as Trump got in the first term now gets slung at his nominations since the people gave such a clear mandate for Trump himself the blob don't dare to attack him again.


        • oiaohm
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2017
          • 8457

          Originally posted by anda_skoa View Post
          Out of tree drivers allow them to ship hardware with full support even when the latest kernel merge window has already been closed and the next one has not opened yet.
          Yes this small window does not explain having drivers out of mainline for over 4 years.

          There are serous risks to not mainlining drivers. Like this license issue if they were attempt to mainline way more often the person who has incorrectly licensed code as GPLv3 would most likely be on staff when the mainline kernel developers are like this patch is rejected due to license issue.

          Next is horrible one what to say a conflicting driver to your out of tree drivers end up merged upstream. This happens more often than people would like.

          You also have the Linux kernel internal API changes being done by semantic patching.

          Holding code out of tree comes with risks.


          • oiaohm
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2017
            • 8457

            Originally posted by varikonniemi View Post
            I know, exactly same kind of made up shit as Trump got in the first term now gets slung at his nominations since the people gave such a clear mandate for Trump himself the blob don't dare to attack him again.
            There is a problem here not everything said about Trump is made up because there is stuff on the criminal record that he is absolutely guilty of. Lot of people Trump has put forwards as nominations do in fact have public criminal records some old that they could have forgot about.

            There is a reason why its recommend that before a President nominates someone that the president has the FBI make a background check report on the person. Part of that background check process is having the person write the own report admitting to what they have be accused of.

            Please note background check the President can choose disregard the results but the information is important so his chief of staff can do the required damage control. What happens if a person writes in their own report miss some charge they were convicted of long ago the President can still put them in place but since the FBI process found the old charge the person is informed about it before the media or someone else finds it and should give them a chance to back out before being publicly nominated.

            Trump incompetence here is setting up is own nominations to get broadsided in interviews and for family of those nominate people to get harmed.. FBI background check is for the President and Nominee. It absolutely possible that when a Nominee see something in there FBI background report they decide to reject the nomination because this item they had forgot about is going do their family or friends major harm.

            varikonniemi basically there is reason why the process was recommend to be done a particular way with President nomination. Some of this is to protect the nominee person.

            Yes trump is skipped over steps in the recommend process.
            1) ask person if they want to be nominated and if they are willing to FBI background check.
            2) have FBI do background check.
            3) make choice as President if you will go forwards with nomination.
            4) inform nominated person of results of FBI background check at this point give then possible week to think if they want to go forwards with nomination.
            5) Finally till the public about the nomination.
            That how be done to protect both sides. Some people who Trump have nominated were not even asked if they wanted the position and they have publicly said that.

            Yes the media has picked up that this is wrong because point 1 of the process historic is done by the chief of staff and trump chief of staff is being blind sided over and over again. Remember this time around Trump has a way less experienced chief of staff to fix his process screw ups.

            Yes trump actions are getting his chief of staff blindsided and the nominees at times blindsided. Trump as not even got into Office yet.

            Here is something horrible last document to make Trump President has to be signed by his current Chief of staff.. I really don't want to think what happens in the USA if his Chief of staff resigns so he cannot be put to President this results in biden getting another 4 year term due to no president to take his place. This screw up should have been kept to after Jan 20.

