systemd 257-rc2 Released With New systemd-keyutil Tool

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  • Kjell
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2019
    • 689

    Originally posted by mobadboy View Post
    I got better things to do with my time. Maybe you don't and that's the issue?
    There's systems like Artix which do most of the heavy lifting for lazy people


    • anda_skoa
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2013
      • 1203

      Originally posted by Britoid View Post
      Thought people liked the purist "DO ONE THING AND DO IT WELL" thing?
      Surprisingly many people don't understand that any given vendor, project or community can create multiple programs and not just one.

      Which makes the believe that systemd is a single program instead of the name of the project/community/vendor which has several programs.
      Each of them specialized for its job and working well together with the others.

      Like the GNU tools but using more structured data exchange than text over input/output streams


      • mobadboy
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2024
        • 173

        Originally posted by Kjell View Post

        There's systems like Artix which do most of the heavy lifting for lazy people
        OR I could just use systemd which works extremely well (assuming you're not trying to do something really stupid) and provides tons of very useful features.

        The days of defining a script for every single startup are dead, and good riddance.

        Any distribution with "It uses real init systems, because PID1 must be simple, secure and stable." big and bold on the frontpage has automatically disqualified itself for saying something so dumb and stupid. I could never trust something which states something so silly. systemd is, in fact, a real init system and works perfectly well as long as you're not trying to treat it like sysvinit which was horrible and bad.

        alpine doesn't use systemd while it also doesn't say something so dumb and stupid, thereby making it an actual candidate for consideration.


        • Kjell
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2019
          • 689

          Originally posted by mobadboy View Post
          alpine doesn't use systemd while it also doesn't say something so dumb and stupid, thereby making it an actual candidate for consideration.
          You might find Chimera Linux interesting


          • mobadboy
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2024
            • 173

            Originally posted by Kjell View Post

            You might find Chimera Linux interesting

            Another side of the coin is the so-called “systemd-free community”, which tends to spread a lot of misconceptions and frankly deranged opinions that end up hurting any sort of positive effort. Chimera as a project denounces such people, and is explicitly not a part of this community. Such people should also not view Chimera as some sort of haven, because it is not. The project is explicitly anti-elitist and aims to find constructive solutions.​
            based and reasonable​

            average age is at least 10 years older in that project

            there are a whole variety of reetee distributions that say stupid nonsense about systemd that is just so obviously untrue as to not help their cause. antiX and now arctix seem the most prominent.

            i enjoy systemd, it has made using linux daily 9001x times easier. i have no intention of stopping unless something better comes along for all my use-cases. but seeking feature-equivalent alternatives without being dumb and stupid is (obviously) totally reasonable.

            look at this "simple rc.d startup script" LOOOOOOOL

            # cat /etc/rc.d/test
            . /etc/rc.subr
            case $1 in
            msg "Starting test daemon..."
            start_daemon /usr/bin/test --example-option
            msg "Stopping test daemon..."
            stop_daemon /usr/bin/test
            $0 stop
            sleep 1
            $0 start
            status_daemon /usr/bin/test
            echo "usage: $0 [start|stop|restart|status]"
            LMFAO. even if its formatted correctly, which the forum doesn't allow, it's still complete shit. should be deleted from the internet.

            openrc, runit etc seem much better but still not for me. but that doesnt matter, im not their desired user.
            Last edited by mobadboy; 18 November 2024, 11:59 PM.


            • LtdJorge
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2020
              • 190

              Originally posted by Kjell View Post

              Did you read the article?

              "Systemd 257-rc1 introduced expanded Varlink support, MPTCP as a supported socket protocol for socket units, systemd-boot menu support for volume up/down rocker handling, a new systemd-sbsign tool for signing EFI PE binaries, and many other new additions and other changes. [...] there is one new tool included in the form of systemd-keyutil."

              TLDR: systemd-257 added more bloat

              Systemd can't even do one thing properly like shut down the system

              A stop job is running for Session c1 of user work (2min 17s / 3min 30s)
              Don’t move the goalposts, you referenced 257rc-2 in your original post and now quote the article about 257rc-1. So the other user was right, if you had read the article correctly, you’d see this update just coalesces key handling from multiple tools into a new one. You should have made your comment on a previous article.


              • Kjell
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2019
                • 689

                Originally posted by mobadboy View Post
                LMFAO. even if its formatted correctly, which the forum doesn't allow, it's still complete shit. should be deleted from the internet.

                openrc, runit etc seem much better but still not for me. but that doesnt matter, im not their desired user.
                Shell can be confusingly for end users, especially in dated inits. However, the reason oldschoolers like it is partly due to the freedom that scripting provides

                Dinit syntax should be more familiar to systemd fans

                Service monitoring / "init" system. Contribute to davmac314/dinit development by creating an account on GitHub.

