Originally posted by Akiko
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First, you do know "HPC" stands for "High Performance Computing" right? The i3 14100 based system I built for my dad is not only running circles around those ancient systems, it is doing it while cartwheeling and juggling fire. Those ancient systems were good for their time but today they are basically e-waste.
These days 16 cores / 32 threads is a bare minimum threshold for HPC. Even the last gen Raspberry Pi 4 have 8 threads to play around with.
There was a time when systemd critique was justified, but these days it just works and excels at most tasks. And that is why it is slowly becoming as embedded into the Linux world as it is. Because it is just working.
If you want to run a Linux system on an Arduino or FPGA system with < 64 MB flash storage, then yes, sure, systemd is not a good fit for that (although, one could argue, neither is Linux - go check out FreeRTOS). For all other use cases, it is just amazing compared to the competition.
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