Google & Intel Making Progress For More Firmware Flexibility Around FSP Blobs

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  • ssokolow
    Originally posted by bumblebritches57 View Post
    Why would “optional” code be present in the first place? Have they not heard of LTO?
    I'm assuming it's code that's distributed to board manufacturers more like a dynamic library (.dll/.so/.dylib) and this is about modularizing that.

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  • bumblebritches57
    Why would “optional” code be present in the first place? Have they not heard of LTO?

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  • peterdk
    Sounds like a nice project! Even though fully opensource is not yet possible, this is at least a improvement.

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  • Google & Intel Making Progress For More Firmware Flexibility Around FSP Blobs

    Phoronix: Google & Intel Making Progress For More Firmware Flexibility Around FSP Blobs

    For modern Intel platforms supporting Coreboot whether it be for Chromebooks or on server platforms, they are still beholden to the Intel Firmware Support Package (FSP) binary blobs. But Google and Intel engineers have been working to enable more flexibility around the FSP binaries by being able to optionally reduce the amount of proprietary firmware executed on the CPU, optionally weeding out some of the optional FSP components, and optimizing the status quo to achieve greater boot speeds...

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