Originally posted by coder
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Setting up service system that all services are reporting their true and correct state at times is not straight forwards and would be helpful if systemd included better documentation on using targets and barrier solution.
Lot of ways the ExecCondition not existing just required deeper knowledge of systemd to solve problem. ExecCodition did not add a feature you could not do with a few more pieces with systemd.
Yes targets are fun they they can be marked as started even that the services inside are failed and if target is stopped all services running inside target stop as well.
So basically 2 files prior ExecCondition existing and you could generate the same effect as ExecCondition does. Except when you look at the service list the failed service is clearly displayed in the prior to ExecCondition.
The level of truthfulness the early systemd design expects lot of users seam not to be able to tolerate and the concept of having to use more than 1 file at times. You find this with a lot of claimed things that systemd could not do well. Yes a lot of the early systemd problem is the mandatory truth state reporting and people not understanding what early systemd expected done in cases that truthful state was a issue. This is a case that systemd documentation is as clear as mud on how to handle these problems not that systemd itself cannot do them well.