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The Linux Kernel Adopts A Code of Conduct

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  • While the idea of the CoC itself is not bad, the problem is they can be abused to attack people for having the wrong opinions elsewhere, or used to silence fair criticism. For that reason, myself and many others are against it.


    • Everybody needs to understand who is behind this code of conduct.

      This "Covenant Code of Conduct" was written by a radical feminist transgender activist known as Coraline Ada Ehmke, the author of the "Post-Meritocracy Manifesto", who believes the race and sexual orientation of the contributor is more important the the technical merits of their contribution.

      Part of the new CoC reads:
      Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
      The problem is anything can be construed to be offensive or inappropriate. Using the wrong Gender Pronoun is grounds for removal. Furthermore, everything is done in secret and is rife for abuse.

      Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The TAB is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.

      She is the same person who even Github fired after creating at least a dozen Github shitstorms trying to purge ideological dissidents. Here you can see one of xir (she actually prefers the pronoun Xir instead of her) twitter meltdowns:

      Another signer of the Covenant Code of Conduct is Patricia Torvalds, Linus Torvalds daughter, who runs the Portland branch of "Guerilla Feminism", and affirms the need for "safe spaces" in the Open Source community.

      Right after Linux adopted the new CoC, Coraline Ada Ehmke @CorlineAda tweets:
      I can’t wait for the mass exodus from Linux now that it’s been infiltrated by SJWs. Hahahah.

      I guess this is her idea of fostering a "Welcoming and Inclusive" environment as specified in the CoC...

      After all these years, it's finally happening... Linux Kernel development is being invaded by political activists!
      Last edited by gururise; 18 September 2018, 01:26 AM.


      • Originally posted by jukk View Post
        I have a hard time understanding opinions like these. The "social" values are actually common sense and behavior that any big company also has. It is very true in the company where I work (big multinational industry).
        Just answer me one simple question: If these "social values" are so universally common sense, why do they have to be written into code of conducts? Can't they just be followed *without* having them written down? And if they're so universal, why does linux need "it's own" code of conduct?

        It's the same sort of fallacy as security by obscurity.

        These very code of conducts *will* be misused to bring the community down.


        • Originally posted by gururise View Post
          Everybody needs to understand who is behind this code of conduct.
          After all these years, it's finally happening... Linux Kernel development is being invaded by political activists!
          Thanks for these important insights, Gururise.
          It's much worse than many thought in the first instance. Many of the linked tweets of "Coraline Ada Ehmke" show evil forces at work.

          And Torvald's feminist daughter is involved. So this is the missing link which explains why her father folded. Some asked here who brought down Linus. Now we know.

          Countless men who only want to work and be productive, being terrorised by a few parasitizing wicked gender feminists including our daughters. Why have we men allowed to become pussies? Let's grow a pair of balls and fight until the end. After all, fighting is naturally in us men.

          Can this Linux "SJW" madness be stopped or rolled back? Or is it too late and it takes a Linux fork now? Or a third world war. Which of course also ended the gender feminism terror. ;-) Thrilling times we live in for sure.

          Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute, in infernum detrude. Amen.
          Last edited by Hadrian; 23 September 2018, 11:35 AM.


          • Related:

            Deconstructing Coraline Ada Ehmke’s “Contributor Covenant”

            ESR in 2015: Why Hackers Must Eject the SJWs


            • It's just a matter of time before the plague of political correctness will contaminate the whole opensource ecosystem. Not only Linux kernel or Python. As you know already:
              We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile


              • Originally posted by gururise View Post
                Everybody needs to understand who is behind this code of conduct.

                This "Covenant Code of Conduct" was written by a radical feminist transgender activist known as Coraline Ada Ehmke, the author of the "Post-Meritocracy Manifesto", who believes the race and sexual orientation of the contributor is more important the the technical merits of their contribution.

                Part of the new CoC reads:

                The problem is anything can be construed to be offensive or inappropriate. Using the wrong Gender Pronoun is grounds for removal. Furthermore, everything is done in secret and is rife for abuse.

                She is the same person who even Github fired after creating at least a dozen Github shitstorms trying to purge ideological dissidents. Here you can see one of xir (she actually prefers the pronoun Xir instead of her) twitter meltdowns:

                Another signer of the Covenant Code of Conduct is Patricia Torvalds, Linus Torvalds daughter, who runs the Portland branch of "Guerilla Feminism", and affirms the need for "safe spaces" in the Open Source community.

                Right after Linux adopted the new CoC, Coraline Ada Ehmke @CorlineAda tweets:


                I guess this is her idea of fostering a "Welcoming and Inclusive" environment as specified in the CoC...

                After all these years, it's finally happening... Linux Kernel development is being invaded by political activists!

                And this is a threat to you, how?

                I'm really interested what parts of above are threatening and in which way. And in which way is any of this bad or negative and to whom. I truly don't see it.
                Last edited by jukk; 18 September 2018, 03:40 AM.


                • Originally posted by lowflyer View Post

                  Just answer me one simple question: If these "social values" are so universally common sense, why do they have to be written into code of conducts? Can't they just be followed *without* having them written down? And if they're so universal, why does linux need "it's own" code of conduct?

                  It's the same sort of fallacy as security by obscurity.

                  These very code of conducts *will* be misused to bring the community down.
                  Apparently there is a minority that cannot behave that forces the rest of us to create codes of conduct. These same people seems to be the ones offended by it.

                  And I can't for my life see how they could be misused more than what is going on today that they are trying to prevent. Maybe a small minority of people that are incapable of behaving socially *could* be targeted. But if they are truly unable to behave (e.g. have a disorder or something), I'm sure an exception can be made and they could get help or something. Not everyone is as rational as Linus and can admit their incapability or mistakes.


                  • Originally posted by Hadrian View Post

                    Thanks for these important insights, Gururise.
                    It's much worse than many thought in the first instance. Many of the linked tweets of "Coraline Ada Ehmke" show evil forces at work.

                    And Torvald's feminist daughter is involved. So this is the missing link which explains why her father folded. Some asked here who brought down Linus. Now we know.

                    Countless men who only want to work and be productive, being terrorised by a few parasitizing wicked gender feminists including our daughters. Why have we men allowed to become pussies? Let's grow a pair of balls and fight until the end. After all, fighting is naturally in us men.

                    Can this Linux "SJW" madness be stopped or rolled back? Or is it too late and it takes a Linux fork now? Or a third world war. Which of course also ended the gender feminism terror. ;-) Thrilling times we live in for sure.

                    Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute, in infernum detrude. Amen.
                    The conclusion I draw from this rambling, is that you probably hate women. Terrorised? Paraziting? SJW madness? What are you talking about? We can't live in the same world. You must be living in some fantasy. If you are truly this delusional, and if there are more people like you, then I really see the need for those "feminist forces" that you are imagining.


                    • The CoC looks even more necessary in light of the above article. If there are people that are so upset about "common sense" (that he himself writes), then there truly must be something really necessary in the CoC. I welcome it.

                      Originally posted by halo9en View Post

                      ESR in 2015: Why Hackers Must Eject the SJWs
                      ESR is no good reference when it comes to social behavior. That is just embarrassing, especially for the Asperger community.
                      Last edited by jukk; 18 September 2018, 03:42 AM.

