Originally posted by ParticleBoard
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The Linux Kernel Adopts A Code of Conduct
Originally posted by ParticleBoard View PostI am absolutely floored this happened.
Linus created and managed one of the most recognizable feats of computer engineering in history and the people who would struggle to code a "hello world" in javascript are backpatting themselves on how they just fixed it. Linus, if you ever read this, you just gave the keys to the kingdom to the programming equivalent of flat earthers.
Mark my words, many sr kernel devs will be targets for coordinated harassment in the near future by these same people and will leave in droves.
Project needs to be sustainable, even without him, even without his current understanding of emotionsLast edited by dungeon; 17 September 2018, 02:40 AM.
Originally posted by Helios747 View PostYeah. I am.
He was a bit of a dick. Glad he's recognizing that and stepping away to cool off and work out things.
When he comes back, he'll be able to get a lot more done with the developers he works with.
This is ridiculous. I hope Linus reverts this with some good old fashion moron trashing.
Originally posted by ihatemichael
I'm not surprised, Linus always been a lefty, his parents are commies.
Originally posted by lowflyer View PostI'm actually quite disappointed that the social warriors managed to get a foothold into the linux project. This seriously reduces my willingness to contribute anything to linux in the future.
Originally posted by andrebrait View PostI still try to understand how someone can think saying "hey, don't treat people badly by what they are rather than what they're doing" is an exaggeration from the "inclusion" party.
Seriously, what kind of activity and code review would make it necessary to talk about someone's weight, gender, etc.?
"Hey, your code is ok but it's being taken down because you're fat".
"Cool code, but go make me a sandwich, woman".
"Your code is just so g*y".
This type of stupidity is what theyret targeting.
I don't even know how any of that would even be relevant to reviewing code, so...
If you can think of any situation, let me know.
If someone submits code to a project then that code will get accepted or rejected on it's own merit. Nobody cares who wrote it or what they look like. Linus has made some rather insulting remarks over the years and it's usually something like "this code is pure garbage and you're an idiot for writing it this badly". I've never seen anyone reject a piece of code saying "your code looks good but you're fat so we don't want your code". This does not happen.
I have seen examples of SJWs digging through someone's Internet history and show up and demand that the lead developer of a project with 3 people step down because of some off-hand joke about some fat person made on some completely different site years earlier. That's how this bullshit works, you get SJWs trying to bully people into leaving free software projects because some joke or opinion they shared somewhere totally unrelated to the project - basically saying that you must have all the "right" opinions in all aspects of your private life or you'll get kicked out.
SJWs are basically just bullies.
I for one believe that people should be allowed to have their own opinions and share those as much as they want where it is appropriate with zero consequences to things like software projects where it does not matter.
Honestly, I don't really care if the Linux kernel has some "non-discrimination policy" section in their Code of Conduct since it's common sense that you should be nice if you can while still getting your point across.
What scares me a bit in the new Code of Conduct however is that it removes almost everything related to "good code is our primary objective" and now almost the whole text is just related to avoid harassment.
IMO they should have kept the old Code of Conduct and in the end just added a few more statements about that harassment (which you should not confuse with critique) will not be tolerated.
People, take off your tinfoil hats, please! What this basically says is not to call other people names. It is very sad that apparently a document stating things most people are taught when they are kids is necessary to remind the people in the Linux community. Reading through this thread, I totally get why this seems necessary. Isn’t the uproar about the basic message „don’t insult people“ quite telling already?
Also, this has nothing to do with code quality. Rejecting bad submissions can obviously still be done. Anything really can be done without being offensive. When I give out grades at university, I can still fail students without calling them fucktards.