The Linux Kernel Adopts A Code of Conduct

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  • drohm
    Phoronix Member
    • Feb 2016
    • 54

    Originally posted by Luke View Post
    Nothing wrong with social justice(the SJ in SJW), and sometimes you have to warrior up (the W is SJW) to get it. At least you did not have to risk your freedom and continued existance burning a grand jury subpeona in front of the courthouse as the only valid alternative to snitching on those you care about the most, as I had to do last week. This wasn't Call of Duty, this was real-world.

    We "social justice warriors" are the shield behind which your freedom can fucking EXIST. If it was not for us, the workday would be 7 days a week for everyone, 12 hours a day. You would have no time for anything else in life and would live in a temement with one bathroom down the hall. Maybe your factory would lock you in at night, like some bonded labor sweatshops globally do. All the major nation-states would still practice CONSCRIPTION, and having this ability would fight even more wars of aggression to keep and hold colonies. The status of women would resemble "the Handmaid's Tale" as one protest againt Kavanaugh's nomination so poingnantly showed with costumes from the movie. Do you really want to live like that?

    A warrior gives of themselves so others may life in peace and safety, and that's EXACTLY what we do when we take serious risks of death or decades in prison to shut down grand jury witch-hunts, stop eminent domain pipelines, ensure gender equality, or anything else that is about protecting other people, We stand between your precious self-centered lifestyle and the worst life you could ever imagine. Every time you enjoy a simple pleasure of life that some suit-and-tie fat cat or theocrat would really rather take away, thank your local SJW.


    • LaeMing
      Phoronix Member
      • Nov 2016
      • 72

      Not that big a deal IMO, Linus may not want to reject bad code as 'a piece of shit' anymore, but he can still reject it as 'not up to kernel coding standards'

      And as someone who tends to fly off the handle way more than I am happy with myself*, I can sympathise fully with his self-imposed time-out.

      *there is, at times, a definite mis-match between who I am and who I see myself as, and I don't like it, completely independently of what others may think of me.
      Last edited by LaeMing; 17 September 2018, 12:09 AM.


      • bachchain
        Senior Member
        • Jun 2016
        • 402

        Eh, whatever. Worst case, the Hurd becomes relevant.


        • LeJimster
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2015
          • 296

          Originally posted by Luke View Post
          Nothing wrong with social justice(the SJ in SJW), and sometimes you have to warrior up (the W is SJW) to get it. At least you did not have to risk your freedom and continued existance burning a grand jury subpeona in front of the courthouse as the only valid alternative to snitching on those you care about the most, as I had to do last week. This wasn't Call of Duty, this was real-world.

          We "social justice warriors" are the shield behind which your freedom can fucking EXIST. If it was not for us, the workday would be 7 days a week for everyone, 12 hours a day. You would have no time for anything else in life and would live in a temement with one bathroom down the hall. Maybe your factory would lock you in at night, like some bonded labor sweatshops globally do. All the major nation-states would still practice CONSCRIPTION, and having this ability would fight even more wars of aggression to keep and hold colonies. The status of women would resemble "the Handmaid's Tale" as one protest againt Kavanaugh's nomination so poingnantly showed with costumes from the movie. Do you really want to live like that?

          A warrior gives of themselves so others may life in peace and safety, and that's EXACTLY what we do when we take serious risks of death or decades in prison to shut down grand jury witch-hunts, stop eminent domain pipelines, ensure gender equality, or anything else that is about protecting other people, We stand between your precious self-centered lifestyle and the worst life you could ever imagine. Every time you enjoy a simple pleasure of life that some suit-and-tie fat cat or theocrat would really rather take away, thank your local SJW.
          Jesus, this is exactly why this stuff shouldn't be in the code of conduct. Just seems way too poltically motivated and not necessary. I thought I was safe on Linux forums from reading political talk, it's toxic and divisive, exactly the opposite of whats wanted.


          • Templar82
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2018
            • 264

            Originally posted by LeJimster View Post

            Jesus, this is exactly why this stuff shouldn't be in the code of conduct. Just seems way too poltically motivated and not necessary. I thought I was safe on Linux forums from reading political talk, it's toxic and divisive, exactly the opposite of whats wanted.
            The CoC comes from, its creator is already ranting on Twitter about how it is a "political document".
            This is what they want.


            • Girolamo_Cavazzoni
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2016
              • 160

              People used to work 14 h a day here in goodol' Europe. Advantage of high rents was to never have to be sleeping in a cold bed.

              Those rants here make me sick. As if anything would change with this code of conduct, besides manners and count if contributors (going up in the middle term). Time will tell them wrong.


              • Luke
                Senior Member
                • May 2013
                • 1456

                Originally posted by andrebrait View Post
                I still try to understand how someone can think saying "hey, don't treat people badly by what they are rather than what they're doing" is an exaggeration from the "inclusion" party.

                Seriously, what kind of activity and code review would make it necessary to talk about someone's weight, gender, etc.?

                "Hey, your code is ok but it's being taken down because you're fat".

                "Cool code, but go make me a sandwich, woman".

                "Your code is just so g*y".

                This type of stupidity is what theyret targeting.

                I don't even know how any of that would even be relevant to reviewing code, so...

                If you can think of any situation, let me know.
                Actually I can: suppose someone writes a good fix for a longstanding and nasty bug, but the author of the code is highly untrusted and untrustable from the perspective of the reader (or code reviewer). With open source this can be dealt with: such code gets looked over with a fine-toothed comb, and if its good code it gets used anyway. What difference does it make if you "steal" a brillient piece of code from an enemy or that same enemy submits it as a PR because they too use the code? In either case it has to be looked over very, very closely but NOT just thrown away if it is otherwise good code.

                Here's an actual case: One of the devs involved in Firefox 4 was reported to be Justin Samuel, known to have snitched to the FBI on animal rights activists. Closed source code from this author would have been unusable, presumed to contain backdoors for his FBI handlers. With open source code, it was instead a situation calling for close line-by-line examination of code he wrote, and with the high profile this story generated such review was almost certain. In the end, Firefox 4 became widely accepted, and no backdoor deliberately coded into it or still present in subsequent versions is known to have turned up in say, FBI attacks on Torbrowser(derived from Firefox). In fact, it was later reported (I cannot vouch for the truth of this report) that the RequestPolicy extension (a security extension) had been his main work. Unqualified myself to review browser extensions, I went elsewhere for browser protection but used FF4 once enough time had passed for competent review.

                The main browser exploit used against torbrowser was not present until many versions later and was fixed in new releases prior to ever being exploited by the FBI. Thus, only people running old versions of Torbrowser were ever vulnerable to that one.

                The main exception to this rule is where the party in question is potentially a good enough coder to write "underhanded C" or underhanded whatever language you are using and thus submit code that passes review by less capable programmers but carried a malicious payload. When this is in question the reviewers must be at least as skilled as the submitter of the code in question, and it must be held until the most rigouous tests and reviews (including behavioral tests) are passed.

                Needless to say, weight, gender, etc have absolutely NOTHING to do with this kind of discussion


                • jacob
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 2972

                  Originally posted by karolherbst View Post

                  you didn't get the point. The point is: it doesn't matter, doesn't matter what persons think of themselves, who or what they are, as long as they are behaving well and make a useful contribution, it shall be accepted.

                  But you make a deal out of it for no reason at all. Nothing changes in your life. It has 0 consequences for you, but you still think it is a threat? How so? What is your actual fear here? What about "we don't give a damn who somebody is" is a problem for you?
                  The problem is that the Code of Conduct doesn't say you will not harrass or discriminate against those who believe in "gender identity". It takes "gender identity" as an established, objective FACT and requires participants not to discriminate BASED ON it - which means by abiding by the CoC, you implicitly recognise and accept that it is treated as a fact. I suspect that if the CoC said you will not discriminate against people based on where they live on the Flat Earth, sensible people would take objection against it. And I, for one, don't acknowledge the existence of such a thing as "gender identity" any more that I don't acknowledge flat earth. I don't respect it, I don't respect people who claim it, I don't see it as a legitimate concern, I regard it as mildly irritating pseudoscientific prattle that is not worth of anything more than ignorance. Sure, if some people believe in it, like they may believe in fairies or in Santa Claus, whatever, it's their life. But it's extremely worrying that something as serious and respectable as Linux implicitly ENFORCES the adherence to an ideology that is, to put it mildly, highly "problematic" (there, I used that word for once!) from any scientific or rational point of view.
                  Last edited by jacob; 17 September 2018, 12:53 AM. Reason: fixing typos


                  • dungeon
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 7915

                    Originally posted by Girolamo_Cavazzoni View Post
                    People used to work 14 h a day here in goodol' Europe.
                    When was that, in 19. century? This figure show that working hours only goes down and down... of course for specials like agricultural activities it can't be counted, sometimes it is whole day and sometimes nothing

                    And that is from industrial revolution decline to modern times, nowdays there are less need for more working hours, as there are more and more advanced machines, robots... there is no need to work more than 3 hours, we are working more to support our states, our future, our dear capitalists, blah, blah... to support big cities more, to support growth, so some else calculations

                    But before industrialisation majority of people worked even less than today, if you weren't slave of course 3 hours of hunting per day was enough
                    In US it was the same, you go out, you kill a buffalo and working day is finished, you don't even need to to work for month/s if you want
                    Last edited by dungeon; 17 September 2018, 02:16 AM.


                    • ParticleBoard
                      Phoronix Member
                      • Feb 2014
                      • 58

                      I am absolutely floored this happened.

                      Linus created and managed one of the most recognizable feats of computer engineering in history and the people who would struggle to code a "hello world" in javascript are backpatting themselves on how they just fixed it. Linus, if you ever read this, you just gave the keys to the kingdom to the programming equivalent of flat earthers.

                      Mark my words, many sr kernel devs will be targets for coordinated harassment in the near future by these same people and will leave in droves.

