Ubuntu 17.04 Now Available For Download

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  • abracat
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2008
    • 32

    http://www.cio.com/article/2881172/s...vironment.html If you truly care abort market svare used Windows like the rest I personalet enjoy Mate. Other people May enjoy elementary. Such a post is unsuited for Linux sine Linux is defined by freedom of choice.


    • bison
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2013
      • 218

      Originally posted by Griffin View Post
      People should just get the Ubuntu GNOME edition. That is the standard Linux Desktop anyway.
      People should just get Windows 10. That is the standard desktop operating system anyway.


      • L_A_G
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2015
        • 1612

        Originally posted by Griffin View Post
        I don't see any evidence in there for the assertion that Ubuntu Gnome is somehow the biggest Ubuntu distro.

        Let's hope they've made some major strides in Gnome since the last time I tried using it with CEntOS 8 because the experience I had can only be described as dreadful.
        "Why should I want to make anything up? Life's bad enough as it is without wanting to invent any more of it."


        • eydee
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2014
          • 1637

          Originally posted by Griffin View Post
          People should just get the Ubuntu GNOME edition. That is the standard Linux Desktop anyway.
          Not really ever since Microsoft stole it and renamed it to Windows 8. Why would you want Ubuntu with Windows 8 UI?


          • marmarama
            Junior Member
            • Apr 2016
            • 9

            Originally posted by Griffin View Post
            People should just get the Ubuntu GNOME edition. That is the standard Linux Desktop anyway.
            The de facto standard Linux desktop is the ChromeOS shell. Android's launcher would be vastly larger, but is arguable, given how little 'traditional' Linux is in Android. ChromeOS though, is a more-or-less fully functional Linux, and has more than twice the market share of all other desktop Linux put together. On that basis (and it's a better basis than any other I can see), ChromeOS's shell is the standard.

            The rest of us, running 'also ran' Linux distributions and desktops, are free to choose anything we like. It would be helpful to understand each other and support each other, so that non-ChromeOS, non-Android desktop Linux doesn't fade into total irrelevance. Instead, we play these stupid 'my desktop is more standard than yours' games, like bald men fighting over a comb.


            • artyom.h31
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2017
              • 18

              Originally posted by sloth77 View Post
              Isn't performance much better with swap partitions though? I thought that was the main reason that Linux retained them.
              Swap file works in a totally different way compared to a regular file. When kernel accesses swap file it bypasses all FS logic and works directly on the block device level. So if a swap file is not fragmented it has the same performance level as a swap partition. And there are very little chances that a fresh system with a recently formatted partition will have a fragmented swap file.


              • Dedale
                Senior Member
                • Jul 2013
                • 170

                Originally posted by bug77 View Post

                Not really. The swap partition is a solution for the HDD era. I haven't used a swap partition in years and never noticed a performance difference. Plus, with 8+ GB RAM, Linux hardly swaps anyway.
                On my 16 Go system, i sometimes swap. Usually BOINC related stuff. I also had an ethereum wallet that took ages and a humongous amount of RAM to synchronize. In fact i failed to sync on my desktop and i had to move the files on a laptop with a SSD. Never had that kind of wallet again.

                BOINC is a soft for volunteer citizen science computing, you compute for scientific projects you support. Ethereum is a cryptocurrency.


                • Azrael5
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 1954

                  I'm waiting for Lubuntu and Kubuntu.


                  • discordian
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2009
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                    Originally posted by bug77 View Post

                    Not really. The swap partition is a solution for the HDD era. I haven't used a swap partition in years and never noticed a performance difference. Plus, with 8+ GB RAM, Linux hardly swaps anyway.
                    If you mount /tmp as tmpfs and use it for builds with some 100000s temporary files instead of perforating a filesystem (and draining writes of the SDD), you will want a safeguard. With swap you can use big tmpfs mount and dont have to fear a small spike will cause havoc.
                    If you have more RAM than your system needs at anytime (including data thats never used and could be written out once), then you dont need swap. But that was always the case.

                    BTW, you can set "swappiness" to zero and avoid any eager swaps to disk. The only time the kernel will write to disk will be when the system would`ve run out of RAM without swap (and killed some Processes that may or may not be the ones eating away all RAM).


                    • sarmad
                      Senior Member
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 1232

                      Originally posted by sloth77 View Post
                      "Another pleasant change of Ubuntu 17.04 is the move on new installations from using SWAP partitions to just using swap files now, for saving space and being easier to manage. "

                      Isn't performance much better with swap partitions though? I thought that was the main reason that Linux retained them.
                      I think performance is better on old disks, but on SSDs there is probably less difference. Also in SSDs it's recommended to have the entire disk as one partition to reduce the wear out on the disk.

