An Ubuntu MATE Desktop Spin Might Still Materialize

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67360

    An Ubuntu MATE Desktop Spin Might Still Materialize

    Phoronix: An Ubuntu MATE Desktop Spin Might Still Materialize

    There's been much talk in the past about creating a spin/derivative of Ubuntu Linux using the MATE Desktop Environment fork of GNOME2. While no spin materialized for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, talk of developing a new spin is again happening...

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  • nachoig
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2013
    • 25



    • enfocomp
      Phoronix Member
      • Jul 2012
      • 69

      This is great news, perhaps all the "Unity is the worst thing ever" people can lay off all the Ubuntu hate now. It's like the old days of Gnome 2.X with updated packages. I do have to admit, it's about time though.

      Personally I tend to mostly use Arch, CentOS & Debian but Ubuntu is definitely the best distro for new full time Linux users switching from Windows / Mac.


      • DanL
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2007
        • 3125

        I automatically associate "spin" with Fedora. I think of different 'buntus as "flavors."
        Am I alone on that one?


        • NothingMuchHereToSay
          Phoronix Member
          • Apr 2013
          • 57

          This is so godawfully bad, I can't imagine- Well actually I can, because they're hippies. Stuck in the past with their shitty context menus, I mean, really? MATE is a desktop that just NEEDS to die, why not make an Ubuntu spin off of Enlightenment? Something that actually LOOKS modern and that actually runs beautifully in software mode? Really, it boggles my mind as to why people say "durr, why isn't linux catching on yet?" Simple, you're a bunch of hippies that likes old looks and godawfully bad design choices from Windows 95. Use what you want, I don't care, but stop complaining about your zombie of a desktop environment not being the default desktop on anything except Mint.


          • deanjo
            Senior Member
            • May 2007
            • 6501

            Originally posted by enfocomp View Post
            This is great news, perhaps all the "Unity is the worst thing ever" people can lay off all the Ubuntu hate now.
            That won't happen until Unity dies and Ubuntu features some other desktop as default.


            • wargames
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2012
              • 392

              Originally posted by NothingMuchHereToSay View Post
              This is so godawfully bad, I can't imagine- Well actually I can, because they're hippies. Stuck in the past with their shitty context menus, I mean, really? MATE is a desktop that just NEEDS to die, why not make an Ubuntu spin off of Enlightenment? Something that actually LOOKS modern and that actually runs beautifully in software mode? Really, it boggles my mind as to why people say "durr, why isn't linux catching on yet?" Simple, you're a bunch of hippies that likes old looks and godawfully bad design choices from Windows 95. Use what you want, I don't care, but stop complaining about your zombie of a desktop environment not being the default desktop on anything except Mint.
              To me, nothing in Linux comes close to the Windows 7 look with a small taskbar and Aero enabled. Obviously Windows Explorer is not the best file manager, but you get used to it.

              If the Gnome guys were willing to listen, we wouldn't have Cinnamon and MATE nowadays. So go and complain to them, because they are all a bunch of tabletoid gnomes.


              • teresaejunior
                Phoronix Member
                • May 2013
                • 59

                I have tried MATE about one year ago, and I found it a pretty nice desktop, but something I have always wondered, no trolling: is there really anything MATE has that Xfce4 hasn't? I know FOSS is all about choice, but I found them very similar, and Xfce4 a bit more customizable.


                • belal1
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2013
                  • 44

                  Originally posted by NothingMuchHereToSay View Post
                  This is so godawfully bad, I can't imagine- Well actually I can, because they're hippies. Stuck in the past with their shitty context menus, I mean, really? MATE is a desktop that just NEEDS to die, why not make an Ubuntu spin off of Enlightenment? Something that actually LOOKS modern and that actually runs beautifully in software mode? Really, it boggles my mind as to why people say "durr, why isn't linux catching on yet?" Simple, you're a bunch of hippies that likes old looks and godawfully bad design choices from Windows 95. Use what you want, I don't care, but stop complaining about your zombie of a desktop environment not being the default desktop on anything except Mint.
                  MATE doesn't need to die. It has a very functional UI that works for many people. It was created because there was a demand for the old Gnome2 DE. Personally, I don't use any of this shit but if I had a choice between Unity or MATE, I'd choose MATE. Not that I had Unity, but the old GNOME2 worked fine for me. I don't need to impress other users. I just need my OS to work for me. Get it? So all this nonsense about people complaining that Linux is stuck in the past: You need to get off their balls buddy. If a DE works for you, it works. If it doesn't, move on but don't drag others with you.


                  • Apopas
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 1292

                    Originally posted by teresaejunior View Post
                    I have tried MATE about one year ago, and I found it a pretty nice desktop, but something I have always wondered, no trolling: is there really anything MATE has that Xfce4 hasn't? I know FOSS is all about choice, but I found them very similar, and Xfce4 a bit more customizable.
                    That's what I think as well.

