OpenSUSE Considers Replacing LXDE With E17

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67322

    OpenSUSE Considers Replacing LXDE With E17

    Phoronix: OpenSUSE Considers Replacing LXDE With E17

    In an effort to make Enlightenment E17 available through the openSUSE installer and DVD, the lightweight LXDE desktop environment may be pushed away...

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  • plonoma
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2010
    • 870

    fix the YaST installer
    This should be a priority over the other solutions because it is about a bug, limitation.


    • varikonniemi
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2012
      • 1099

      Agreed, they should bundle only one DE and install it by default as "the suse experience", and offer the others as downloadable during install if the user so decides.

      That said, i think Enlightenment is a technological masterpiece that could benefit immensely if suse team made a really nice theme for it. The default theme looks like it was made by an engineer, not an artist
      Last edited by varikonniemi; 16 May 2013, 06:53 AM.


      • TheBlackCat
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2011
        • 1920

        Originally posted by varikonniemi View Post
        Agreed, they should bundle only one DE and install it by default as "the suse experience", and offer the others as downloadable during install if the user so decides.
        There is absolutely zero chance that is going to happen. As far as anyone has been able to determine a majority of openSUSE users use KDE, but not by a huge margin, and there are key developers using both.

        You should have seen the ruckus that was caused just by setting KDE as checked by default. Developers and users running Gnome were absolutely furious. One maintainer was so angry he declare that he would not deal with any bugs for his component coming from KDE users.


        • Akka
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2011
          • 437

          Last time I installed opensuse I'm pretty sure they had a proper graphical easy to use netinstall where you could chose what you liked from the repos. Is that gone? I thought the dvd was the netinstall but with the dvd as local repo?


          • 89c51
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2009
            • 2072

            Originally posted by varikonniemi View Post
            Agreed, they should bundle only one DE and install it by default as "the suse experience", and offer the others as downloadable during install if the user so decides.

            That said, i think Enlightenment is a technological masterpiece that could benefit immensely if suse team made a really nice theme for it. The default theme looks like it was made by an engineer, not an artist
            The black/blue one is quite elegant. The old black/white was hurting my retina. And yes E can benefit massively if a big distro selects it as its main DE.


            • Ruse
              Junior Member
              • May 2013
              • 22

              I read the messages on the mailing list.
              No one... NO ONE even mentions Xfce.

              It's basically LXDE done right, with more features, with the same footprint.
              I used both on limited-resource machines (P4 and Atom), they perform the exact same.
              Heck, even a simple Fluxbox / IceWM runs the same.

              This lightweight "buzzword" is also silly. The KDE guy obviously never used an older machine.
              Try using KDE4.10 on an Atom and he will know what pain it is. "Buzzword" my ass.

              Edit: Nowadays LXDE is just a playground for PCMan. Which is not bad or anything, but people (especially devs) should stop promoting it as a main time desktop environment. It started out to be a new contender, but never managed to catch up. It's been all idle for years. Heck, some of the parts were idle since the start of the project. (Check Sourceforge.)
              Last edited by Ruse; 16 May 2013, 09:04 AM.


              • TheBlackCat
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2011
                • 1920

                Originally posted by Ruse View Post
                I read the messages on the mailing list.
                No one... NO ONE even mentions Xfce.
                Yes they did, many times.

                Originally posted by Ruse View Post
                It's basically LXDE done right, with more features, with the same footprint.
                If you had read the mailing list discussion, you would know that if anyone can actually establish that then openSUSE is likely to switch. So far no one has.


                • bwat47
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2010
                  • 738

                  Originally posted by varikonniemi View Post
                  Agreed, they should bundle only one DE and install it by default as "the suse experience", and offer the others as downloadable during install if the user so decides.
                  I disagree, I like opensuse's stance of being as desktop agnostic as possible. People often say opensuse is a "KDE" distro, which I disagree with. Its true they do have one of the best KDE desktops out there, I find their gnome desktop has always been excellent as well.

                  And this is talking about the DVD, the whole point of the DVD is that there is multiple desktops available on the DVD, so you can install your preferred desktop straight from the DVD without having to download it. They already offer live cd's for kde and gnome so I don't see the point of "only including one desktop by default"...
                  Last edited by bwat47; 16 May 2013, 10:33 AM.


                  • riklaunim
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 239

                    Maybe it's me, but I can use and work with base LXDE apps. I can't say the same thing about e17. Maybe XFCE would suffice in this case?

