OpenSUSE Considers Replacing LXDE With E17

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  • raster
    Originally posted by t.s. View Post
    I've just have time to test my E17 installation on my notebook. Yes, it's like what you said. Everything went smoothly. Arch packaging is the problem here. I must uninstall efreet-svn etc. Then reinstalling the efreet and friends. Or one can use 'pacman -Rs enlightenment17' to remove all enlightenment and it's dependencies. And reinstalling enlightenment17.
    good to hear.

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  • t.s.
    I've just have time to test my E17 installation on my notebook. Yes, it's like what you said. Everything went smoothly. Arch packaging is the problem here. I must uninstall efreet-svn etc. Then reinstalling the efreet and friends. Or one can use 'pacman -Rs enlightenment17' to remove all enlightenment and it's dependencies. And reinstalling enlightenment17.

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  • Artemis3
    Needs theme packs for all widgets used

    Originally posted by varikonniemi View Post
    That said, i think Enlightenment is a technological masterpiece that could benefit immensely if suse team made a really nice theme for it. The default theme looks like it was made by an engineer, not an artist
    Most importantly, it needs matching themes for all commonly used widgets. You need matching sets for E17 + gtk2 + gtk3 + qt that means at least 4 themes and perhaps a method for picking them all at once instead of using various tools to set each.

    E17 is wonderful, but most apps were written for gtk or qt, without the accompanying themes things look out of place.

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  • marccollin
    Originally posted by TheBlackCat View Post
    There is absolutely zero chance that is going to happen. As far as anyone has been able to determine a majority of openSUSE users use KDE, but not by a huge margin, and there are key developers using both.

    You should have seen the ruckus that was caused just by setting KDE as checked by default. Developers and users running Gnome were absolutely furious. One maintainer was so angry he declare that he would not deal with any bugs for his component coming from KDE users.
    like all survey novell, suse has done, kde was alway used by majority of user
    it was around 60 % for kde, you can found web site who talk about it.

    edit: some other people already said it...

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  • t.s.
    Originally posted by raster View Post
    just fyi - core i7 laptop here (samsung series 9), and it's hovering about 41-44 degrees here (according to my temperature meter). hmmm. and for fully functional... are you talking about apps? browsers? terminals etc? install those as you see fit...
    I see. Then maybe there's configuration error on my side. BTW, I've trying to rolling E17 again in my Asus A43E. First, updating all arch package. Then, installing E17 via pacman -S enlightenment17. And it segfault. this is what .e-crashdump.txt told me:
    Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffd75dd9780 (LWP 1135)):
    #0  0x00007ffd7375da5d in pause () from /usr/lib/
    No symbol table info available.
    #1  <signal handler called>
    No symbol table info available.
    #2  0x00007ffd69f1dab1 in ?? ()
       from /usr/lib/evas/modules/engines/gl_x11/linux-gnu-x86_64-1.7.99/
    No symbol table info available.
    #3  0x00007ffd73e28a23 in evas_object_image_native_surface_set ()
       from /usr/lib/
    No symbol table info available.
    #4  0x00007ffd6a14dabe in ?? ()
       from /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/comp/linux-gnu-x86_64-0.17.3/
    No symbol table info available.
    #5  0x00007ffd6a14ddff in ?? ()
       from /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/comp/linux-gnu-x86_64-0.17.3/
    No symbol table info available.
    #6  0x00007ffd6a14e0e8 in ?? ()
       from /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules/comp/linux-gnu-x86_64-0.17.3/
    No symbol table info available.
    #7  0x00007ffd73bd053c in _ecore_event_call () from /usr/lib/
    No symbol table info available.
    #8  0x00007ffd73bd4bc9 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
    No symbol table info available.
    #9  0x00007ffd73bd5157 in ecore_main_loop_begin () from /usr/lib/
    No symbol table info available.
    #10 0x0000000000433950 in ?? ()
    No symbol table info available.
    #11 0x00007ffd71fa4a15 in __libc_start_main () from /usr/lib/
    No symbol table info available.
    #12 0x00000000004349c1 in _start ()
    No symbol table info available.
    Detaching from program: /usr/bin/enlightenment, process 1135
    The program is not being run.
    Sorry for posting it here, rather than asking on #e freenode irc. I'll join when I have time. I think I'll trying compiling from AUR and see the result, tommorow. Thanks

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  • raster
    Originally posted by t.s. View Post
    ..Cause what I know is functional E is not just with "install the package" . Thanks for the invite, but for now, I don't have much free time for trying E. And here, internet connection is slow too. When I have free time, will drop on. Thanks.

    just fyi - core i7 laptop here (samsung series 9), and it's hovering about 41-44 degrees here (according to my temperature meter). hmmm. and for fully functional... are you talking about apps? browsers? terminals etc? install those as you see fit...

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  • t.s.
    Originally posted by raster View Post
    hmm i'm not sure what there is to write in a tutorial beyond "install the package". i think connman should be a dependency. i never install the pkg though as a dev.. i compile it... so connman is there and works for me.

    all i can suggest is click on the cpufreq gadget and check that your cpu governor is set to maybe automatic or low power automatic. if the compositor (under settings -> look) using opengl or software? one thing you can try... remove the cpufreq gadget. the animated handle can, in some settings, create a feedback loop. ie cpu clocks down, needle spins and animates down, but that animation causes cpu to clock up again, and so on (repeat), but in general i never see that happen normally, just in some cases (for e18 this should now basically never happen because now we have a much shorter path to the display and all those gadgets live in the compositor canvas - ie are rendered by the gpu if the compositor uses opengl).

    why don't you roll by #e on freenode (irc) and pose your problems. unless people are all asleep generally someone will jump in and help try figure out what is up.
    ..Cause what I know is functional E is not just with "install the package" . Thanks for the invite, but for now, I don't have much free time for trying E. And here, internet connection is slow too. When I have free time, will drop on. Thanks.

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  • raster
    Originally posted by t.s. View Post
    Glad to hear it working for you, rasterman. If you have time, could you write some tutorial setting E17 on arch? or add more info on Mine is Asus A43E, core i3 + intel hd3000. cpufreq standard from arch. Xorg and randr always updated to latest version. When running for ~30minutes, CPU temperature goes to around 54celc. when using Gnome3 or KDE, it usually around 43celc. For multiscreen, please add it to the E17 control panel or widget . Thanks.

    I'm all for usable lightweight environment like Enlightenment. Been following it like, 8 years or more
    hmm i'm not sure what there is to write in a tutorial beyond "install the package". i think connman should be a dependency. i never install the pkg though as a dev.. i compile it... so connman is there and works for me.

    all i can suggest is click on the cpufreq gadget and check that your cpu governor is set to maybe automatic or low power automatic. if the compositor (under settings -> look) using opengl or software? one thing you can try... remove the cpufreq gadget. the animated handle can, in some settings, create a feedback loop. ie cpu clocks down, needle spins and animates down, but that animation causes cpu to clock up again, and so on (repeat), but in general i never see that happen normally, just in some cases (for e18 this should now basically never happen because now we have a much shorter path to the display and all those gadgets live in the compositor canvas - ie are rendered by the gpu if the compositor uses opengl).

    why don't you roll by #e on freenode (irc) and pose your problems. unless people are all asleep generally someone will jump in and help try figure out what is up.

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  • raster
    Originally posted by Maxjen View Post
    Actually I think it kind of worked for me. But when I right clicked on the icon and went to settings it said something like external application EConnMan doesn't exist. And sometimes I also want to try other desktops so it is sad that I have to uninstall network manager if I want to use connman.

    Here are two other little things that bother me:
    1.) I once set the profile to mobile just to try it out and then I couldn't change it back. In the end I had to reinstall enlightenment.
    2.) I think the screen setup dialog is really counter-intuitive as I still couldn't figure out how it works. I know that the top right corner can be used to rotate, but I couldn't find an easy way to reset the rotation to 0. Then there is a green light in the bottom left which can be toggled. I'm guessing that it can be used to turn off a screen, but I haven't tried it since I only have my one notebook screen and it would suck if I turned it off. And the biggest problem is that I have no idea how to change the resolution. I can set it to 640x480 by dragging the bottom right corner, but then I can't increase it again.

    Aside from that enlightenment is great. I have been using it for maybe 5 years and I can't use other desktops because they feel soooo slow.
    that econnman thing is for advanced settings that most people won't need. it's actually highly confusing and we need to remove it for e18. it creates more hassle than it's worth given the feedback so far. basically it's an external tool because the guys who wrote it didn't want to spend the extra effort/time to do it in C and wanted to shortcut it as python, which then adds all the python bindings as a dependency and python too. as for networkmanager nothing we an do about that... you can have both connman and networkmanager installed and just start/stop one or the other, but we do support connman and have no plans to support nm any time soon.

    for mobile profile.. it DOES say it's experimental in the description... and you can change back - you need to hit settings and then load modules that bring back a lot of config panels so you can get to profile settings and switch back then. it just requires some clicking effort. the mobile profile is something we need to spend much more effort on but just haven't had the time.

    as for screen setup - just drag bottom-right of screen like resizing a window. resize it like any window. reset rotation just drag the top-right rotation the opposite way again - rotate back. mind you have have improved the behavior in git since...

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  • t.s.
    Originally posted by raster View Post
    i run arch+e on my s9 laptop. zero heat problems. cpufreq of course is set to ondemand. intel gfx. i7 cpu. screen dims nicely on idle and fades out totally on blank... ? as for network - same as above. connman working just fine. bluetooth tethering, usb tethering, wired and wifi. multi-monitor support is there (screen setup dialog) and it works.. but it has niggles depending on your version of xrog, randr drivers etc. etc. but its there. if you use the cmdline xrandr too it properly adapts to multi screen setups just fine
    Glad to hear it working for you, rasterman. If you have time, could you write some tutorial setting E17 on arch? or add more info on Mine is Asus A43E, core i3 + intel hd3000. cpufreq standard from arch. Xorg and randr always updated to latest version. When running for ~30minutes, CPU temperature goes to around 54celc. when using Gnome3 or KDE, it usually around 43celc. For multiscreen, please add it to the E17 control panel or widget . Thanks.

    I'm all for usable lightweight environment like Enlightenment. Been following it like, 8 years or more

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