Originally posted by plonoma
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OpenSUSE Considers Replacing LXDE With E17
Originally posted by TheBlackCat View PostThere is absolutely zero chance that is going to happen. As far as anyone has been able to determine a majority of openSUSE users use KDE, but not by a huge margin, and there are key developers using both.
Originally posted by deanjo View PostopenSUSE surveys of the past has pointed to roughly 70% use KDE, 20% Gnome 10% other. I would consider that a pretty large margin.
Originally posted by riklaunim View PostMaybe it's me, but I can use and work with base LXDE apps. I can't say the same thing about e17.
I also think OpenSUSE shouldn't drop LXDE from the dvd installer - it's really needed as a very-very light desktop - XFCE is significantly larger than it.
Originally posted by Ruse View PostThis lightweight "buzzword" is also silly. The KDE guy obviously never used an older machine.
Try using KDE4.10 on an Atom and he will know what pain it is. "Buzzword" my ass.
Originally posted by Cyber Killer View PostI got the same impression - Enlightenment is really a nice window/desktop shell, but it's far from being a fully usable desktop environment.
Originally posted by Maxjen View PostI hope they do it. E17 is such an awesome desktop. All it really needs in my opinion is a better network manager. The connman module never worked for me so I always have to use the gnome network manager.
Originally posted by Maxjen View PostI hope they do it. E17 is such an awesome desktop. All it really needs in my opinion is a better network manager. The connman module never worked for me so I always have to use the gnome network manager.
Originally posted by t.s. View PostI use windowsXP in my netbook. It run smoothly. Opensuse 12.3 with KDE? hehe.. Click 1x, wait ~3s, the program pop up.
Yep! Agree. For now, at least for me, It's just good for running on VM. Overheating when using on laptop (Arch). KDE and Gnome run smoothly.
Beside network manager, also power management and multi monitor support.
Originally posted by raster View Posti'm wondering how it never worked? every machine i have has it working. wifi, wired, hell if u plug in my phone for tethering it "just works" via usb.. if u pair my phone via bluetooth and select it.. for tether.. it "just works". select a wifi access point - if needed pop in password in dialog.. and it works... only times it has trouble is on some public wifi ap's and that is pretty much up to connman/dhcp/kernel/drivers as e just provides you with the high level interface bits...
Here are two other little things that bother me:
1.) I once set the profile to mobile just to try it out and then I couldn't change it back. In the end I had to reinstall enlightenment.
2.) I think the screen setup dialog is really counter-intuitive as I still couldn't figure out how it works. I know that the top right corner can be used to rotate, but I couldn't find an easy way to reset the rotation to 0. Then there is a green light in the bottom left which can be toggled. I'm guessing that it can be used to turn off a screen, but I haven't tried it since I only have my one notebook screen and it would suck if I turned it off. And the biggest problem is that I have no idea how to change the resolution. I can set it to 640x480 by dragging the bottom right corner, but then I can't increase it again.
Aside from that enlightenment is great. I have been using it for maybe 5 years and I can't use other desktops because they feel soooo slow.
Originally posted by raster View Posti run arch+e on my s9 laptop. zero heat problems. cpufreq of course is set to ondemand. intel gfx. i7 cpu. screen dims nicely on idle and fades out totally on blank... ? as for network - same as above. connman working just fine. bluetooth tethering, usb tethering, wired and wifi. multi-monitor support is there (screen setup dialog) and it works.. but it has niggles depending on your version of xrog, randr drivers etc. etc. but its there. if you use the cmdline xrandr too it properly adapts to multi screen setups just fine. Thanks.
I'm all for usable lightweight environment like Enlightenment. Been following it like, 8 years or more