Originally posted by BlueJayofEvil
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The problem is, although they have done many things right in terms of becoming ready gentoo to desktop in under 1 minute without castrating functionality:
+ they have very improved genkernel, as far as I know it is nearly rewritten from scratch. The current hardware is DETECTED by it and only needed modules are added into initramfs, resulting in very fast start and small kernel size.
+ they have installer
+ they recommend to use gentoo tools to do stuff, for example - portato if gfx frontend for portage in needed.
+ they have formed all their changes around acknowledged official overlay, which is attachable in layman when using normal gentoo
+ it is possible to convert raw gentoo into calculate simply by switching profiles. And vice versa.
+ they provide functional desktop for working environiment as well as server
+ they provide tools to manage these network and provide tools for windows-compability (samba, activedirectory etc), useful for companies for example (one of which is the primary supporter - calculate ltd)
+ they have working bugtracker, working irc, working site, speaking english (although russians) and their site has english version.
+ company is behind their support, with full-time devs. And yet they are completely opensource. They offer integration services for price.
- their profiles is currently something to be desired
-- lots of software which,.... *tada*... gentoo itself is unable to correctly strip due to portage limitation.
--- means, if you want to just remove one app, you have to switch from binary profile to normal profile (building every update from source), or there will be problems in form of segfaults. And 1) rebuild the system 2) every new update will be built just like normal gentoo does. No advantages of binary packages.
- their decisions regarding to system variables may be not ideal. I consider them a bit weird.
- subconscious thing: prebuilt gentoo always feels not right..
So currently, its nice and all, but
1) you expect a little bit more out of the box and fuzz-less (and less problems) if you have zero understanding about gentoo.
2) you shake your head if you use gentoo daily, as you possibly not use a lot from that; you possibly will have to strip a lot; means you possibly are faster achieving your system via *stage3* (bottom-up), than by stripping calculate (switching profile to basic, adding soft, correcting use flags etc)
Still, they are near-er to gentoo-way, than sabayon. Or funtoo(less).
Didn't use toorox, will give a try
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