What Was Your First Linux Distribution?

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  • panda84
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2008
    • 191

    I bought a Linux magazine with Red Hat 7.1 but since I was still on a P200MHz with 32MBs of RAM and a tiny HD (1GB) I didn't ever installed it.

    When I got a new PC I installed Mandrake 8.2.

    Then I tried almost every distro out there, but I mostly spent my time on: Mandrake 9.1, Mandrake 2005 LE, Mepis 6.0 and now I'm on Debian Etch. I think my next "switch" will be towards Fedora 10.


    • Fixxer_Linux
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2007
      • 217

      I should remember that I setup a Mandrake on a P166 back in 1999 I think. I used a dual-boot on my windows partition but for some weird defragmentation reasons, I couldn't allocate more than 100 Mb to linux. Which already was not enough.
      When I decided, few days later, to remove Mandrake, I lost my disk in trying to resize my partition (partition magic and the linux tool to resize partition were not exactly doing the same on the partition, so the more I tried to do something with either tool, the less my computer was booting cleanly).

      I then tried from time to time various mandrake versions and in 2003, I switched completely under linux with Gentoo.

      I'm now running Suse on a dual boot Dell Optiplex that a friend gave to me, in waiting for the release of UT3 for which I plan to buy a Quad Core and on which I will setup Gentoo.
      Suse is impressively good, but I prefer Gentoo for the upgrades that you can make without never reinstalling.


      • acreda
        Junior Member
        • Oct 2007
        • 27

        I first stated out on suse 10.0, cant remember why but i did like all the GUI edditing and YAST was particauly good for a very compitent user rather than Tech geek

        I switched after 10.2 after getting fed up of it being so Acteture centric so i switced and started useing 32-Bit unbuntu on my AMD64 comp to sort out the things like flashplayer but also watiting for UT3 which as far as i can guess is still only going to be released as at 32bit package (i hope)


        • reavertm
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2008
          • 409

          Well, my first Linux was RedHat Linux 5.1 from 1998.
          It appeared as my second OS (installed only for education puprose). I tried SUSE Linux as well.
          Another versions I was using were pretty much every release from RH6.0 to RH9 (automigrating from 7.3 to, 8 and then 9). At that time I tried Fedora Core and later (2001) Gentoo, which would become my main operating system to these days.


          • sundown
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2007
            • 271

            My first linux was a Mandrake that was sold at the neewspaper booths along with Redhat 7.1 or 7.2. Man, did I delete my Windows partition or what, lol It was 2001, I guess, so I was what... 15. And it sucked but that doesn't mean I skipped linux forever.
            In 2005 I installed Debian Sarge the day it came out and it was lovely. Then I moved to Kubuntu, coz I always wanted to get the most out of KDE and settled on Sidux- hot and spicy.
            Last edited by sundown; 03 August 2008, 05:57 AM.


            • sloggerKhan
              Phoronix Member
              • Nov 2007
              • 93

              The first linux I ever encountered live was knoppix as a live CD that some students gave out at a regional event when I was in high school.
              The first linux I ever actually used for anything was probably some sort of fedora box remotely at university, and the first I ever used on my own computer were Gentoo, Ubuntu, and DSL.


              • tmpdir
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2008
                • 348


                My First Linux installation was 3 months ago. Used Ubuntu which i needed to install MythTV on as my livingroom mediacenter. Now I use MythBuntu to get Ubuntu and MythTV installed by just inserting the cd and answer some questions (yes it lazy but works super).

                I now have 2 linux based htpc's (MythBuntu) and my laptop works on Ubuntu. On this machine I'm doing some development work for linux and in the near future some development work for MythTV. Of course I have a MythTV frontend installed on this laptop to watch soccer in the garden using my wireless network

                Real addictive that linux stuff...


                • Dosfish
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 16

                  My first linux distro was turbolinux 3.2 on a 486 dx4 100, what a powerhouse


                  • energyman
                    Senior Member
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 1750

                    Suse 6.2, then 6.4, 7something (I think 1 and 2) Slackware, gentoo. Gentoo since 1.0


                    • storma
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 220

                      RedHat 6.2. Freaked out at twm and the names of the apps and didn't touch it again til 7.3.

                      Tried Debian when RedHat moved to Fedora and haven't looked back.

