Red Hat Releases Tuned 2.25 Daemon For Linux Adaptive Performance Tuning & Monitoring

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67368

    Red Hat Releases Tuned 2.25 Daemon For Linux Adaptive Performance Tuning & Monitoring

    Phoronix: Red Hat Releases Tuned 2.25 Daemon For Linux Adaptive Performance Tuning & Monitoring

    Red Hat engineers have released Tuned 2.25 as the newest version of their alternative to power-profiles-daemon and similar for adaptive performance tuning and monitoring. Tuned ships with various profiles and different capabilities for tuning Linux systems from laptops on battery life up through HPC servers and enterprise storage...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • frantisheq
    Junior Member
    • May 2024
    • 5

    for Alma, Rocky and other RHEL clones where tuned is used this is what i need to do to on my Thinkapad E-15 and Thinkcentre M720t because there is some conflict which i wouldn't know about if not for RedHat support included with free RHEL for developers.
    it makes my thinkpad silent again, otherwise i can hear some high pitched noise.

    sudo systemctl mask power-profiles-daemon


    • hf_139
      Senior Member
      • May 2023
      • 336

      Tuned is bad. Don't use it.
      Except if you want a python process to constantly hog up system resources, then tuned is great.

      TLP is good. Use TLP.


      • HEX0
        Phoronix Member
        • Jan 2020
        • 92

        Originally posted by hf_139 View Post
        Tuned is bad. Don't use it.
        Except if you want a python process to constantly hog up system resources, then tuned is great.

        TLP is good. Use TLP.
        I use TLP only because it can limit battery charging. Maybe others can too, idk.

        I'd agree with your point if TLP was written in C/C++/Rust.
        But that's a really poor argument to claim Python inefficiency and then compare to the utility written entirely in shell scripts.

        TLP - Optimize Linux Laptop Battery Life. Contribute to linrunner/TLP development by creating an account on GitHub.


        • ezst036
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2018
          • 681

          Will Tuned(tune-d) come with gui-d so that average people can play with the tuning and an easy place to look at the monitoring?

          If this is just going to be some junk in the command line, a very lot of people will not be interested and even moreso, will not be served at all.

          This isn't 1985 anymore folks.


          • Blisterexe
            Junior Member
            • Aug 2024
            • 36

            Originally posted by ezst036 View Post
            Will Tuned(tune-d) come with gui-d so that average people can play with the tuning and an easy place to look at the monitoring?

            If this is just going to be some junk in the command line, a very lot of people will not be interested and even moreso, will not be served at all.

            This isn't 1985 anymore folks.
            On fedora at least, tuneD just integrates with the existing power management gui in the desktop, in gnome's case it's very barebones but still.


            • HEX0
              Phoronix Member
              • Jan 2020
              • 92

              Originally posted by ezst036 View Post
              Will Tuned(tune-d) come with gui-d so that average people can play with the tuning and an easy place to look at the monitoring?

              If this is just going to be some junk in the command line, a very lot of people will not be interested and even moreso, will not be served at all.

              This isn't 1985 anymore folks.
              No need to hate the cli. In most cases it's faster, lighter, an order of magnitude smaller with less code running and less things to go wrong, less chances for bugs, less dependencies and actually scriptable.

              Linux as server focused OS is of course CLI focused and there is nothing wrong with that. CLI in Linux should be seen as it's strength not as some kind computer archeology. Windows/DOS cli does suck in comparison.

              While I generally do prefer cli/tui, I don't mind there being GUI options for people.

              But if the day were to ever come where we are forced to suffer through gui centric workflow like in Windows it would suck terriblly for a lot of us.

              Thankfully we all have freedom of plethora of choices. But please never suggest that cli is somehow inherently bad and should be replaced.


              • pWe00Iri3e7Z9lHOX2Qx
                Senior Member
                • Jul 2020
                • 1591

                Originally posted by ezst036 View Post
                Will Tuned(tune-d) come with gui-d so that average people can play with the tuning and an easy place to look at the monitoring?

                If this is just going to be some junk in the command line, a very lot of people will not be interested and even moreso, will not be served at all.

                This isn't 1985 anymore folks.
                Home users are generally fine with the 3 options of battery / balanced / performance focus they have exposed from their DE. This is more about being able to tune for a specific workload which is all that machine really does all day every day. E.g. from the first line of changes...

                sap-hana: Set transparent_hugepages to madvise

                Home users aren't going to be running SAP HANA on their laptop. Which is part of the reason some of the other DEs that aren't GNOME weren't excited about leaving power profiles daemon for this. They finally had good PPD integration, then the upstream interest shifts to tuned where the focus is server heavy.


                • Mitch
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2017
                  • 373

                  Originally posted by hf_139 View Post
                  Tuned is bad. Don't use it.
                  Except if you want a python process to constantly hog up system resources, then tuned is great.

                  TLP is good. Use TLP.
                  My impression was that TuneD runs the python on startup or change events, like if the user swaps profiles or something. If so, I don't mind, as Phython can get it over with and be done. The energy and performance difference is negligible if it is not running around the clock.

                  Even if a script runs for several seconds once or twice during a session (I haven't even seen this happen), that's infinitesimally small of an overhead and you won't see the battery difference on that alone.
                  At that point, the merits of the TuneD vs PPD vs TLP will just be whatever tool lands you the best battery, performance, etc. I haven't seen such a comparison done on the 3 tools anywhere either.


                  • F.Ultra
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 2049

                    Originally posted by Mitch View Post

                    My impression was that TuneD runs the python on startup or change events, like if the user swaps profiles or something. If so, I don't mind, as Phython can get it over with and be done. The energy and performance difference is negligible if it is not running around the clock.

                    Even if a script runs for several seconds once or twice during a session (I haven't even seen this happen), that's infinitesimally small of an overhead and you won't see the battery difference on that alone.
                    At that point, the merits of the TuneD vs PPD vs TLP will just be whatever tool lands you the best battery, performance, etc. I haven't seen such a comparison done on the 3 tools anywhere either.
                    yes tuned is 100% idle waiting for D-BUS events for configuration changes. Misinformation from the misinformation user as usual.

