Red Hat & Microsoft Bringing RHEL To WSL
Way too late. I am already sold on opensuse on WSL. Or almalinux when i want to test something RHEL like.
For what it is worth, as someone who has used (and still has to for work at times) Windows, having access to a Linux environment in Windows may be a pathway to full Linux usage. For me, Windows 11 was the "jumped the shark" moment (yes, Windows 10 was heading that way but I did like the UI/UX experience). For situations where I need certain tools (e.g. work OneDrive or VPN access), I am now doing so more in macOS if I can. I don't like Finder much, but I get a proper shell experience, no ad like stuff pushed on my desktop, less telemetry, etc.
But for personal stuff, and increasingly more work stuff, I am booting into Linux (almost always for personal stuff). My current go-to is a minimal Arch install with the Gnome package (to pull in GDM and core "plumbing", and also the option of a more full DE when needed) and then install some various minimalist window managers (Hyprland my current go-to, but also Sway and Niri for example.) Finally starting to version control my config/dot files, using symlinks to point to the local repo. Means I can do clean installs, clone and symlink, and then go! It is getting pretty awesome, finally jumping more fully on board.
Here is what I am getting at. I have never installed WSL (though have been considering on my work Windows box) but I have done countless GUI and headless installs over the years virtualized on Windows via VirtualBox. I learned a crap-ton that has lead me to be able to create where I am at today. Probably "wasted" a lot of time with it, but hard to call it all wasted given what I learned. Now I'm loving my more minimalist setup - no telemetry, no ads, great shell options, etc. I get the dislike of WSL people have, but it may also be a similar pathway to this eventual freedom for others.
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Happy to hear they finally are going to support RHEL in WSL. In many companies, their servers or machines are running RHEL and the desktops Windows. So being able to run your applications on your own notebook in a supported way is great news. Would love to see an officially supported Fedora WSL available as well. The Whitewater one isn't really great IMHO.
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I'm hoping that clearing the legal hurdles for this with RHEL means that Fedora will also get official WSL support soon. Last time I looked, it was a bit of a pain in the ass to set up manually.
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Comments from the Phoronix/Linux freeloaders are despicable.
The company that is behind:- A crazy amount of the Linux kernel development
- The main patron of Gnome, GTK, Freedesktop and Wayland
- The company that unified the init system (systemd) and made Linux distros a lot more compatible in the process
- The company that unified the audio subsystem (PA/PW) which was basically disfunctional before
- The company that is behind NetworkManager (and custom network configuration systems in other Linux sucked)
- A metric ton of other open source projects
Linux fanatics once again have shown their true face. "You have to work your ass off and give me my Linux for free or otherwise you're a bad company akin to Microsoft".
I expect Michael or tildearrow to delete this comment ASAP. Rabid fanboyism is OK, a breath of common sense, sanity and logic are not OK.Last edited by avis; 19 November 2024, 01:10 PM.
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Originally posted by skeevy420 View Post
I can't find the outrage here, either. Practically every other major distribution can be used with WSL. RHEL not being there makes them look bad.
OMG, they're making Linux more available to more people. The horror.
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Originally posted by nanonyme View Post
They are pretty late at this party. Debian and Ubuntu have been available through Windows Store for WSL for years.
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Originally posted by jonkoops View PostHere we go with all the Microsoft hate. Red Hat just wants to put their product in front of users, and this is just another avenue of doing so. Hating on them for wanting to do this is just silly IMHO. People like to criticize Red Hat (sometimes justifiably so), but they are a massive net positive contributor to Linux and open-source at large, so calm your tits.
How can anyone not recognize the evil that is Red Hat? They really went into the sewer. This is the same company that tried to force ppl to quit or fired them for not getting a clot shot. Now, they are joining up with Microsoft - I guess it fits.
SUSE, Red Hat - hmmm.... it just seems all these Linux-based corporations are just as evil as any other sinister corp. - yet, ppl here praise them cuz da Oopen Soueeesssss!
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