A few months ago I started testing distros again to try and determine what would be a good Linux distro for a novice user, and I settled on the KDE edition of Fedora. It seemed like the best balance for up-to-date software in a stable system that's not too complicated. And I liked that the installer lets you configure Btrfs subvolumes. Just add the btrfs-assistant app and it easily handles snapshots and rollbacks as well.
Fedora KDE Desktop Spin Promoted To Same Tier As GNOME-Based Fedora Workstation
Originally posted by hf_139 View PostI just hope RedHat stays with GNOME.
I don't need those disgusting NSA assets infecting other Desktop Environment.
Stay in your cell.
Now let's hope Canonical also admit the necessary change, and gradually starts to de-commission Gnome in favor of KDE as well.
The more KDE can be seen as an alternative to Windows, the more potential exposure/users Linux gets, and the more resources can be allocated. We in the Linux community need to stop thinking of "choices", and more about how to get critical things right. We do not need the choice of 20 inferior DEs, we need 1 equal or superior [to Windows/Max], if Microsoft/Apple are to be de-throned.
Originally posted by Daktyl198 View Post
My man, Red Hat is owned by IBM. If you think IBM doesn't have extremely close ties with the government you're sorely mistaken 😂
Originally posted by Landway12 View PostThe more KDE can be seen as an alternative to Windows...
Also, anything can be seen as an alternative to Windows → an user should not expect to have the same environment on a totally different OS, and that's it.
Originally posted by You- View Post
Fedora doesn't have enough KDE contributors to push it as the same as gnome.
Remember, one of the reasons X11 support is not on the KDE install by default is the argument that they had too few resources to offer both.
Originally posted by Vistaus View PostAnd people said the proposal was an April Fools joke (even though it had been proposed a few days prior). Well, they took it very seriously for something that was supposed to be a joke…
Source: I am one of the submitters
Originally posted by Alexmitter View Post
The reason for confusion is as there will now be two desktops offered by default that have vastly different levels of quality control and understanding of offering a quality product which practically means the KDE project as a whole has absolutely no understanding of quality at all. Overall it will be quite a quality downgrade to Fedora as a whole and may damage the brand of the project for years. It should have stayed a spin.
Source: I am a member of the KDE SIG
They need to be honest with the public.
Red Hat gives the Fedora project about 500k a year and provides them with technical assistance but this goes only to the official edition, not any of the spins.
There was a guy on these forums that was a member of the KDE SIG that said they do not get a dime from Fedora for working on the KDE version, what this move will do is cause the Fedora group to split the gravy between the Gnome version developers and the KDE version developers.
It's about money, like most things in life.
This is why the KDE SIG group tried to have their version supplant the Gnome version, so that they could get all the dough, but obviously the Gnome version people were not about to give up their cash cow after all these years, so they worked out a compromise and decided to split the cash.