Originally posted by rmfx
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Imagine someone built you a house on your own land. He also added a swimming pool, connections to your local electricity company, sewage system, and everything else you may need. This is analogous to non-GUI Linux and you paid handsomely for it. While he is there, he just happened to be nice to recommend a good brand of Soda because the beverages you offered him weren't so tasty. This is analogous to GUI on Linux.
You can argue that this wasn't the case two decades ago. Free desktop Linux was a promising thing in the gnome 1/2 and kde 2/3 days. But this is no longer the case. Today Linux is as "ebul corporate product" as Windows if not more.
While I am on the topic, there is also another insight I can make. Google basically changed the ecosystem with Android. It led to a more healthy widened view of computing devices. People no longer are "fans" of an operating system. They will just use whatever their computer shipped with as long as it can run a browser, MS Word, photoshop, autocad, their IDE of choice, can print and scan, etc.. etc. If something replaced Windows but offered the same exact things, they won't care what OS it is as long as it doesn't regress their workflow.
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